which nrc łaced togcrhcr wirh a conrrnsring or iń rhrcad. As rhe lace is ni ca nr ro be vie\vcd from one side o< ■ lic ringi and thc diains should be rnrred on the righr sicie. • •    .» wish,

you could dyc or painr rhe cgg bcfore attaching rlie <.

The central ring and the rwo rows around it nrc    • dc on a

conrinuous shuttlc thread. So wind 4 m (4'/: yds) of tl. id onto the shuttlc. No/e: Ali picots, cxccpt for the decorative ones on thc omside cham, are to be quitc smali, much smnller rhan in thc flattencd visual parteru. Refcr to Mctliod 2 on page 17 for jdding beads on a hall thread.

Yisual paltem

Lcaving a loosc cnd of 12 cm (5 inchcs), form a ring as illustratcd: Ids. |p, 2ds) 7 timcs, p, Ids. The loose cnd will be uscd Inter to thread a bead and altach it across thc ccntrc of thc ring bcfore ending off.

The central ring

With the crochct hook, draw thc shuttlc thread up through thc firn picot and make a shuttle/lock join. Work thc first round of ringi (A-H), ioining the shuttlc thread dosely to thc next inner picot after dosing cach ring. Each ringhas Sds, p/join, 5ds, p, 5ds, p, Sds. Whcn round 1 is completc, join thc thread to the first picot oncc morc.

Then, at the back, slip thc thread up to thc top of ring A, making a shuttle/lock

join in thc picot bctwccn A and H and anothcr in thc picot at the top of A. You nrc now ready to tat thc sccond round of rings (j-P), 10d$, p, lOds. As you do, leavc sufficicnt Icngth on thc thread $o thnt cach ring of this round will fit almost halfway across thc spacc bctwccn cach pair of rings in round 1. Your work should bccomc slightly cup-shapcd. When round 2 is complctc, cnd off.

Beforc working thc outsidc chain CTM, thread 8 bcads onto thc hall thread and then wind 75 cm (30 inches) onto thc shuttlc, kccping the bcads on thc bali side. Do not cut the thread. With a shuttle/lock join attach thc thread to thc picot at thc top of ring I and tat thc chain as illustrated, 2ds, sm p/join, 4ds, p, 4ds, bcad, 4ds, p, 4ds, sm p, 2ds. Kccp thc tension firm and you will find that thc lace will bccomc morc cup-shapcd. When round 3 is complete, cnd off.

Return to the centrę of thc piece. Take thc loosc cnd to thc back of thc work and thread on 1 bcad. Draw the thread across thc centrę, positioning the bcad, and sew thc cnd to thc oppositc side.

Make a sccond piece to match.

Oncc thc lace is worked you arc ready to arrange the rwo picces on cithcr end of your cgg. As you do make surę thc bcads pn cach piece arc diagonally oppositc one anothcr. A littlc glue ar thc cxtrcmities of thc cgg should help to hołd thc lace in place. Using thc contrasting thread, lace

across thc spacc around thc middle, carching this thread through the picots of thc chains. You will havc to go around twicc to form the diamond cffcct. Tic thc ends and finish off. Your cgg may be hung or mounted in a dccorativc rest.



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