



Front and Back Hip Roli    2.

Starting Posftion: Sit correctly on the bali in optimal posturę.

Movement/Exerclse: Roli bali forward and backward as far as possible using hips and allowing knees and ankles to participate in movement. Keep (eet planted and allow lower spine to curve and arch.

Breathing: Inhale while rolling backward, exhale while rolling forward.

Modification: Lightly touch hands to bali or stable object for balance assistance.

Progression: Feel the point where balance is challenged and hołd for five seconds. Return to start.

Repeat Times Do_Times/day

Purpose/ Goal:_

Comments: This exercise gentty mobilizes the spine in flexion and extension. This is a gentle rangę of motion and proprioceptive exercise tor the hips, knees and ankles. This exercise can also eftective!y be used for improving balance skills.

© 1995 by Joannę Posner-Mayer, PT




Circular Hip Roli    2:3

Starting Position: Sit correctly on the bali in optimal posturę. Be able to perform exercises 2:1 & 2:2.

Movement/Exercise: Move bali in a circle using hips (as if spinning a hula hoop) and allow knees and ankles to participate in the movement. Keep shoulders level and feet planted. Allow lower spine to move as much as possible. Rest. Reverse directions.


Modification: Lightly touch hands to bali or stable object for balance assistance. Progression:

1.    Enlarge the circle as much as possible without losing balance.

2.    Allow body and shoulders to lean in opposite direction of hips while circling.

Repeat_Times to Right / Repeat_Times to Left / Do_Times/day

Purpose/ Goal:.

Comments: This exercise gently mobilizes the spine in all directions. Nolice it circle is asymmetrical or easier in one direction than the other. Movement restrictions couid be caused by many lactors.

This is a gentle rangę of motion and propriocepth/e exercise for the lower spine, hips, knees and ankles. It can be used for etfectis/ety improving balance skiils.

© 1995 by Joanna Posner-Mayer, PT



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