img056 (21)

img056 (21)

Place last st on holder, to be used as first picked-up st of Square 23.

Square 5: CO 17 sts, then pick up and knit 1 st in corner of Square 1 and 17 sts along side of Square 1—35 sts total. Work a square.

Square 6: Counting st rem from last square as first picked-up st, pick up and knit 16 morę sts along top of Square 5, 1 st in corner of Square 1, and 17 sts along side of Square 3—35 sts total. Work a square. Place last st on holder, to be used as first picked-up st of Square 18.

Square 7: CO 17 sts, then pick up and knit 1 st in corner of Square 5 and 17 sts along side of Square 5—35 sts total. Work a square.

Square 8: Counting st rem from last square as first picked-up st, pick up and knit 16 morę sts along top of Square 7, 1 st in corner of Square 5, and 17 sts along side of Square 6—35 sts total. Work a square. Place last st on holder, to be used as first picked-up st of Square 25.

Squares 9-16: Cont as established, foli chart and casting on or picking up sts as needed for each square.

Square 17: Counting st rem from Square 2 as first picked-up st, pick up and knit 16 morę sts along top of Square 2, 1 st in corner of Square 2, and 17 sts along side of Square 15—35 sts total. Work a square. Place last st on holder, to be used as first picked-up st of Square 22.

Squares 18,19, and 20: Work as for Square 17, picking up sts along Squares 6 and 3,10 and 7, and 14 and 11 respectively. When first 20 squares are complete, piece looks like a star with the tips tuming upward.


The body of the bag is worked in tiers, working one 35-st square at a time. Refer to the chart for square placement.

Tier 1: (Squares 21-28) Pick up and knit 35 sts in notch between tips of star and work a square.

Tier 2: (Squares 29-36) Pick up and knit 35 sts in notch created by Tier 1 and work a square.

Tier 3: (Squares 37-44) Pick up and knit 35 sts in notch created by Tier 2 and work a square.

Tier 4: (Squares 45-52) Pick up and knit 35 sts in notch created by Tier 3 and work a square.

Tier 5: (Squares 53-60) Pick up and knit 35 sts in notch created by Tier 4 and work a square.

Trianqles 61-68: Pick up and knit 35 sts in notch created by Tier 5. Work a triangle as foli:

Row 1: (WS) SI 1 kwise, knit to last st, pl. Row 2: (RS) SI 1 kwise, k2tog tbl, kl3, sl 1



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