ipe 13

ipe 13

5.    Upon waking. strctch your arms and legs lo farthest cxteni you can. Tighlcn abdomen; hołd position; rclax.

6.    Roli ovcr to your left side. extend right arm and leg as much as possible. Tightcn abdomen; hołd position; relax. Repeal on right sidc. cxtending left arm and leg.

7.    Kccping your legs cxtcndcd. sit up part way. Tighten your abdomen: hołd position; relax.

8.    Raise your legs and head, keeping your shoulders down. Tighten legs and stornach muscles; hołd position; rclax.

9.    Reach out as lhough grasping a bar and start to sit up. tense your abdomen and continuc to ... (10)

10.    . .. tighten your arms and puli back as you raise your body lo sitting position. When you reach position shown in photo. hołd for len seconds; rclax.



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