mbs 042

mbs 042


the liarm done by such old habits that special excrcise of “ abdominal" breathing is most va!uablc for ladies. And it is because it also constitutes a valuablc massagc of al! the viscera, and furtber strengthens the abdominal muscles and increases the ability of controlling them, that I have intro-duced such an cxercise as No. 9 into my “ Five Minutes' Breathing System.” We speak popularly, when performing this special breathing, of biling the " stornach ” or the abdomen with air ; but the air will, of course, only fili up the lower lobes of the lungs, as a result of the thoracic cavity having been enlarged downwards by the descent of the diaphragm. What actually in this case causes the protru-sion of the abdomen is, of course, the descent of the viscera, which are allowed to sink down and forwards inside the distended abdominal wali. And this lowering of the yiscera will facilitate the descent of the diaphragm, thereby making this “ abdominal ” breath fullcr. During the corresponding exhalation, the abdominal wali is drawn inwards as much as possiblc, and the intestines are again pressed inwards and upwards, whereby the now relaxed diaphragm is assisted in its ascent.

Another example of a reasonable incomplete breath is explained in my hints for boxers (on p. no). Almost the whole costal part of the breathing is in this case checked, because the breast-bone and the ribs espccially the lower ones, are ńxed by the braccd abdominal muscles. Breathing in this case must be carried on mainly by the aid of the vertical movements of the clavicular region and of the diaphragm. Again, gymnasts who climb ropes by the hands only, or perform hanging tricks on the trapeze, the Roman rings, or horizontal bar, are dependent on this special method of respiration, if they breathe at all during the performance. But in most cascs they will be found holding their breath, thereby endangering their vital organs. Also



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