MR293R19084 1

MR293R19084 1

1    - Remove the Tor* type screw and pla3tic oap located in the base of the wheel arch.

2 - Po3ttion the mud flap, then sorew it up and olip on the new cap.

3 - Fit the elips on the top seetion, taking eare to clamp the raud flap against the


SPECIAL REAR MUD FLAPS 3 and 5 door Renault 19

Part no. 77 01 ił21 652

1    - Removc the Torx type 3crew from under the rear bulkhead (behind the wheel) of the


2    - Position the mud flap and refit the original screw to hołd it in plaoe.

3    - Fit the elips on the top seetion, taking care to clanip the shield.


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