Jŕzykoznawstwo licencjat 2

Jŕzykoznawstwo licencjat 2

Egzamin licencjacki

Zagadnienia z zakresu językoznawstwa

The properties of language

KEYWORDS: defining and non-defining features, arbitrariness, iconic vs. non-iconic signs, onomatopoeia, displacement, productivity (creativity, open-endedness), cultural (traditional) transmission, discreteness, duality (“double articulation”), reflexiveness, prevarication, vocal-auditory channel, reciprocity/interchangeability, total feedback, specialisation, semanticity, non-directionality, rapid fade, medium transferabiłity.

Humań language vs. animal systems of communication

KEYWORDS: chimpanzees and language (attempts to use chimpanzees to use human language, sign language, plastic shapes, keys on a Computer console); other examples of animal communication (bees, dolphins, whales, birds); “the Clever Hans phenomenon”, similarities between bird song and human language; the controversy surrounding the experiments.

Theories of language origin

KEYWORDS: the divine-source theory, monogenetic theory of lg origin, scientific approaches (natural evolution hypothesis); glossogenetics, palaentology, physiological adaptation, invention hypotheses (the “bow-wow” theory, the “pooh-pooh” theory, the “ding-dong” theory (the oral-gesture theory), the “yo-heave-ho” theory, the “la-la” theory), Psammetichus, James IV of Scotland, Otto Jespersen; the interactional and transactional function of language.

History of writing

KEYWORDS: the definition of a writing system; types of writing systems: pictograms, ideograms, logograms, cuneiform, hieroglyphs, syllabic writing, alphabetic writing; the rebus principle, the phonemic principle; modem writing systems.

The vocai tract

KEYWORDS: the subglottal and supraglottal vocal tract: their functions in speech production and basie parts; initiation of the airstream vs. articulation; active and passive articulators; the vocal cords and phonation; the States of the glottis.


KEYWORDS: the definition of phonetics; basie branches of phonetics; the description of consonants: voicing, places and manners of articulation; the classification of consonants: obstruents and sonorants; the description of vowels: the position of the tongue, the shape of the lips, the position of the soft palate; the classification of vowels; the definition of a diphthong; the classification of diphthongs: the vowel prominence, the movement of the tongue; phonetic and phonemic transcription.


KEYWORDS: the definition of phonology; the difference between phonetics and phonology; phoneme; distinctive features; allophone; complementary distribution; free variation; phonological processes: assimilation, dissimilation, elision, insertion; the structure of the syllable; phonotactics.


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