Obraz8 2 (2)

Obraz8 2 (2)

2E22ES1 Otapescript page 256


s section provides very good preparation for Speaking on :ze 79. After students have done Exercise 4 in pairs; you may 5• some pairs to perform their conversations in front of the


z 2b 3d 4a 5c ' 2F 3T 4T 5F 6F

:z'dener 2 design gardens 3 plants 4 reliable 5 hardworking : szding garden design company 7 England


—irAngmatuminy ~~f aims of this section:

• i z-cises 1-4: To point out two common mistakes candidates -z<e in the exam: not including some of the information ząuired by the rubric and writing a letter that is significantiy re ow the word limit. You may wish to introduce the ::3essment criteria for "dłuższy tekst użytkowy" (Teachers :: ok, page 8) and ask on which criteria the sample letter

•    : -Id lose marks („treść" and „forma”). Alternatively, refer to :_e strategies for "dłuższy tekst użytkowy" on page 21 in the

: f''erence section.

- £ = e'cises 5-7: To prepare language which will help students do

■    ‘e Matura exam task: vocabulary, different ways of linking . z_:ences, and a first sentence.

-    ‘.SWERS

-    I •reślćo jaką pracę się ubiegasz i 2skąd o niej wiesz.

•    1 risz 3swoje doświadczenie w pracy podobnego typu i s ..oje wrażenia z niej.

■    :: daj ^przynajmniej dwie cechy, które sprawiają, że dobrze ■ zdajesz się do tej pracy.

•    I • -eśl 7swoją znajomość angielskiego i doświadczenie •s taktycznym posługiwaniu się tym językiem.

~■ z three pieces of information which are missing are 2, 8 and 5 or 6 : ■ z of the two personality features).


z etter is too short (68 words).

1 4. 5 5

i 2c 3d 4f 5a 6b

< : _id like to apply for the position of waiter advertised in the I -z'dian on May 28.

zti very patient and I also like working with children.

I iti very patient and I like working with children as well.

-: .vell as being very patient, I like working with children.

Three ways of using this section in class are explained in the introduction on page 13.

Szybka powtórka

This section can be used to fili the last five minutes of the lesson, or set as homework.

An alternative way of doing these exercises in class is to have students work in teams of two or three: the first team to answer all the questions correctly wins.



1    assistant 2attendant 3 instructor 4guard 5fashion 6 representative


1b 2b 3c 4job 5 for 6c 7 a bonus 8 a 9b 10leave Revision activity

Ask the class to open their books on Bank Słów. The students read through the section "Zawody” and choose the job they would least like to do. In pairs, they tell each other their choices. The partners role is to write at least 4-5 arguments why that job is in fact perfect for their partner. They have to use at least 6 words or expressions from the word list. They then read their arguments either in pairs or in smali groups. Monitor the activity and choose some of the best/funniest arguments to be read to the whole class.



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