PH how,it qoes


Click on a patch or an an ina1 to uiew the acconpanying infornation. Nou you can see all of the renu i red labour. Acqui re the necessary aninal feed receptacles or tools. Fili the enpty receptacles at the aninal feed containers or at the pond or we 11.

In order to carry out work, you nust always be at a place of work. Go into the respective aninal enclosure to carry out work with the aninals. To work on a patch., head straight towards its signpost or go directly onto the patch itself.

Click on your character with an icon. If the icon you haue used natches the work location, you can then begin the releuant work, otherwise you will hear a "Eh Eh" alert. Look outt Certain work can only be carried out if the releuant renu irenents are fulfilled (nilking status, ripeness of the crop, etc.>. Click on the car or the tractor to change lewels.


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