Poetry 3 4

Poetry 3 4


M f po Wi c ilSbM C

•    understatement - used to make something appear smaller or less

important than it really is, e.g. "Weil, that’s cast rather a gloom over the evening, hasn't it?" (Dinner guest, following a visit from the Grim    !

Reaper, in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life),^^'1*

•    litotes - affirmation achieved by denying the opposite, e.g. “It’s not bad” instead of “lt’s good”,^ l>cah'eu a

•    ambiguity - double meaning: pun - use of words with morę than one possible meaning, e.g. "You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish”>


paradox - a statement which is either apparently self-contradictory or at odds with ordinary experience, e.g. “Stone walls do not a prison make,


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Nor iron bars a cage”; oxymoron - associating opposite terms in a single expression. e.g. “A damned saint, an honourable villain”,

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•    periphrasis - a roundabout way of referring to something by means of several words instead of naming it directly in a single word or phrase, e.g. “the fair sex” instead of “women”. > ^cuwiLo^ow..


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