Silver Wire Jewelry

Silver Wire Jewelry

Place one side <>f ihe round-nose pliers inio Ihe coil. Hołd ii rirmly w Uh Ihe pli-ers and *hreak" Ihe coil.

W hen ioiIs are used as smaller unils Ihpy ran lir aiiachcd logether. or heads or rlngs ran Iw inounied heiween ilwm Suddenly. someihing hrand ncw cmcrgcs hefore your eyes.

Iii iliis sedion. you‘ll use (hc same lools and ihe same inaierlals .is in ihr preced-ing seclluns.

M \ki\(; ki\<;s

Movq Ihe round-nose pllers one clrcle farthiT out on ihe coli. Break ihe roli agaln so i hal ihe cirrle ihal w ill he srnppcd apari is separated from ihe nlh-ers. Snlp u uparł wllh wire etiiiers

iinlshlne a Coli

Sce ihe le\t and diagram on page 11

C u t t i n o Coil


\ siring of heads is always smari If ihe sirlng is broken up and tlu-beads are used one ai a limę. each one is empha-sized. If Ihe heads are lied. one by one. inio wire. lliey re enhanred even morę.

The lerhnnpie you ll use depends on Ihe Ihickncss of ihe w ire.

2H- lo JO-uMigc (..t- lo .11-111111) nlrv

Make an rnd eye around one linę of lin* round-nose pllers. Pinch Ihe Sharp end againsl Ihe wire.

Thread Ihe head unio Ihe w ire.

Wrap Ihe wire around the linę of Ilu* round-nose pllers about lA Inrh (.5 rml from ilu* head. and make a sccond end cyt

Kemove ihe pliers and hołd the head in your fingers. Brlng ihe w ire around the head and down around the firsi end eye

Bring ihe wire up around and over Ihe In si eye. around Ihe opposilc side of the head. and fmish by faslenlng u lo Ihe siem of ihe sccond end eye.

If morę heads are on ihe wire. turn Ihe wire over and around each bcforc fmish-ing. crisscrossing Ihe firsi w ire.



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