smpb 37

smpb 37

Health is the keysione of life, so tu ind ynu place it securely in pn sit i on and do it /V O W

othcr courscs. Evcry lesson is a rcal delight. You will look forward to cach new day and fccl so fuli of pcp and encrgy you'11 fccl glad to bc alivc and rcvcl in thc shccr joy of living!


Just as thc world bas progrcsscd in thc field of clcetricity, thc acroplanc, thc automobile, thc tclcphonc and radio, so is my System a vast improvcmcnt over all othcr systems now advertised today. 1 am always testing out ncw things, discovering ncw secret cxcrciscs. 1 am constantly on thc alert to incorporate the latcst findings in thc realni of Health Building. YOU profit by this NEWEST, right-up-to-the-minutę instruction. No old fogey stuff from mc, retnember. Old timc methods have bcen discarded for my ncw, better and morc progrcssivc methods. Sonie instructors, who boast how long they havc bcen in business, arc still as unprogrcs-sivc as evcr. They still dish you up the same old stuff they did fiftccn or twenty odd ycars ago! For your own protcction be surę of getting all thc “creain” of thc latcst, PROVEN Health Building instruction. If you want it—en roli with mc.


Art you a scarrcrosu ta a drest tuitf Do you “sit out" most of thr Jancesf The skinny man is not only unpoputar hut looks btuily on the Jance floor. The physically perfeet man is the center of the attraction

No matter whcrc you arc, whether at homc, in hotels, by thc seashorc, or even while traveling on trains you will find it vcry easy and CO«venient to carry out my instruc-tions. You do not havc to Waste valuablc timc going to and from gymnasiums. You do not require 3ny apparatus, nor weights, dumbbclls, bar bclls, rubber cables nor othcr nccdlcss cxcrcising devicc. My original cxercises are all ca ref ul ly planncd so that you can do them in privatc and thus surprisc your friends. In your own room you can be alone and undisturbed, no one to annoy or worry you, or distract your attention. Therc, in privatc you can buckie down and get busy with thc niusclc building cxcrciscs and conccntratc your wholc attention on making yoursclf morc pcrfcct. Scores of pupils havc written to mc saying they had prcviously taken weight lifting courscs and seriousły injured thcmsclvcs as a result. In their enthusiasm, or cndcavor to hasten their development, they havc attempted to lift too great a weight, morę than tlicir frame could rcally endure—and snap—a rup-ture, a serious strain — torn ligaments — a ruptured blood vcssel, or injured hcart. No matter what othcr directors of courscs may tell you—I know these things are happening often. I have scen young men strain them-sclves, and I warn you against heavy weight lifting. Evcn if you can lift a couplc hundred pounds—who cares? We have machincs and derrieks to lift weights nowadays! Setne your strength for morę sensible and im port ant things than tossing or struggling up weights.

The most precious thing in the world is YOUR HEALTH



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