system 88

system 88


trunk-twisting exercises (a slow and a quick one of cach of these three main forms of trunk movements), they form a complete whole in themselve$ and can very advantageously be carried out in the evening. for instance. beforc going to betl, if you have done the first eight exercises with the bath in the morning. It is only a matter of 6 or 7 minutes. It is advisable for ladies to slroke the front of the body in an upward direction, instead of front above downwards. This applies to Exercises 11 and 18 (see directions in “ My System for Ladies”).

The slow exercises—that is, those wherein the movements nearly synchronise with the na tu rai, fuli respiration (Nos. io, 11. 12, 13. 14 and 15)—are performed still morę slowly by advaneed persons as they by and by leam to breathe morę deeply ; at the same time the actual stroking is inereased in strength, or morę elaborate rubbings are performed together with each breath. The qnick exercises, however (Nos. 16. 17 and t8, and to a certain extent No. 9). are performed still faster, with the greatest possible number of movements during each respiration.

The limbs, on the whole, get stroked morę towards the body than from the body. and it should also be remembered that morę strength should be exertcd when stroking in towards the trunk. It is a good plan at first to rub a little vaseline, lanolinę, or something of the kind on the nipple of the breast, and if at all hatry into the roots of the hair as well. This precaution prevents smarting and irritation.


Rubbing of Feet. top of Back, and round the Neck

Rest your right hand on the bedpost, a chair, or a door-handle. and rub with long powerful strokes the top and sides of one foot 25 times with the other foot. the sole of which thus of course itself gets rubbed (see Figs. 54-57). At the same time rub with the left hand the back of your neck as far as you can reach from the top down the middle of the back (Fig. 54), all round the neck (Figs. 55 and 56). and up and down the throat (Fig. 57). Then change about and begin the same number of rubbing movements with the opposite hand and foot. The whole exercise should lnst for eight fuli respirations. Peoplc who are inclined to get too much blood to the head. and cold feet, ought to perform this exercise at the end, after No. 18.


Rubbing of Arms and round Shoulders, with fuli Knee-


Preliminary Movements

A. Arm *novement$.—Either stand up or sit down. During inhala-tion move the arms as far baekwards as possible. then slap them across the chest as shown in Fig. 58. During this last movement begin exhala


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