vibro 19

vibro 19


10 counts. This is Kx-erctSK.* No. O that is dcsciibod on your fi rat weck, fi rat day.


ItKPBAT thia rx«rci«e today for an ndditional 10 cuunts. This is Exerrue No. fi that is (lcaciibed on your flrst wcek, fi rat day.

RKPEAT thia exrr-ciao toduy for an additional fi counts o v «* r ye*tcixlny’s routinc. This is Ex-ercise No. 8 that is deacribed on your first wcck, aoeond day.

KX KRCISE ló (abovc) --Sit on stool and grasp insido of your ankles. Puli up as hard as you eon, resiating upwurd mowmonl by p u s h i n R down with foot. M uke hard work of thę rosist-ance. Conti nuc until slightly tired.

EKERCISE 14 (above)— Lie fiat on your baok with your banda undcr your hcud. Rrinft tho Ii.-rji and lower body upward, overh<?ad in n slow nrc. and try to touch thc tocs on thr floor behlnd you. Tłu* weight of your lega will oilcr nil thę rcslst-ane<? nccwisnry at first. You inny assist this movement with your hands, but latcr to do it with thc palma of thr hands undor your hoad. Try to do this 10 timrs.

KXBRCISE IG (riKht) Sit on łloor with Iors aprcnd widu npart and utms stiotchrd out from tho shouldfts. Twist trunk front left to litfht, tmiehing loft foot with right hand, as iilustratcrl. Then r«Vorso your pnsition and touch tho right foot with the loft hand. Start with a minimum of 8 counts. cuch side, incroasinR to u maxi-mum of Ifi timcs. ff you will do this i;xcrci!M* rapidly, sucking in tho mid-scctinn, you will fiwl it a Rplondid help in roducing tho hips and mid-soction and in spcoding up tho uction of your livor.



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