img117 (18)

img117 (18)

l/i OŻ0C9

59.    A: Would you like to try this jacket on?

B: I think J will._?

^ a) Where is the fitting room ?

b)    Where is the room to change?

c)    Where do 1 take off my clothes?

60.    A: What would vou like to order, madam?

B: _

a) 1 don’t give orders.

^ b) I’m not ready yet. c) What do you like?


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Read the text and complete each numbered gap with ONE suitable word. Write your words on answer sheet 2. make surę all the words are spelled correctly


Is it the end of the road for the giant pandas at Washington, D.C.’s National Zoo? Mei Xiang and her partner Tian Tian have been fixtures at the zoo 61) -f^lpć&hey arrived from China in 2000, and

became 62)^_of the most popular zoo attractions 63) history. Mei Xiang 64) T>&vQ)irth to

their only offspring, Tai Shan, in 2005, creating pure panda-monium. T-shirts, toys, mugs, postcards,

\ j<ey rings and 65)L souvenirs qf this kind popped up to celebrate the arrival of the baby panda bear. Millions of fans 66) ^ to the zoo to check out the family. But Tai Shan, and his parents

~ shipped back to China. The Chinese governm'ent ioaned the cuddly creatures

~X for 10 years for $10 million, and the lease will run 68)_next year. The zoo officials are trying to

4Wf-    -*j«r

they declinęd to 71) r . _to


^ could soon 67)

negotiate 69)*$Y\ /extension, but thejtalks are so delicate 70)


the media, adding 72)"ty70 the mystery of the fate of the pand ( TKkc '    .    *

\ 73)_are only 1,600 pandas in the world and just 160 live in captivity.



In the entire country, only four zoos have pandas. filiat is 74) ^jęP 80 percent if the visitors who

+ . . .

visit the National Zoo don!t leave without stopping to 75)_a peek at Tai Shan and his.parentsv

As 76)^ of the zqo’s agreement with China, any panda born at the zoo 77)_to Chitfa

and 78)1    be returned to its home country|in 79) to join the jbreeding population there.

While the fate of the pandas is still cloudy, the zoo officials vow that 80) <onl. way or another, pandas will always be present in Washington.


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