Obraz3 (163)

Obraz3 (163)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the most appropriate phrase from Ex. 7,


On a typical w,ee evemng 1 __

- I’ve

The questions below are from a ‘work 'iife balance’ survey. What do

you think the resuits of the survey were?    ,

; łr

taken on a lot of extra responsibility and 1 often

don’t Jeaye untU after op.m,

JUai- f^CNViS I love___ in my free

time. I’ve madę loads of friends without having to even go out!

My evenings are very busy, * .

On Mondays, rG a in c(o-SS‘ pottery, on Wednesdays, ifs Spanish and on Thursdays, 1 do jazz dance.

! want to make the living room look nice and I can’t afford to pay someone else to do it so at the moment i’m spending my weekends recteccrHe lwi ^OCv'/1 i

!’m______1 at the moment.

I’m doing the next level in my accountancy training and ifs a great course that ! can do at home.

Whenever Pm not working ! try to^^^rhy^" children. They’re growing up so fast.

Pve been writing a diary ' sińce I was twelve. i try to ^    with it so I write a

o bit eyery day.

8    is a big part of my

life, either having dinner parties at home or going out.

Listen and check your answers.



Which of the sentences in Ex. 8 are most/least like you?

Do you think you spend your spare time wisely?













Do you ever work/study late either at the office sc^o^l or at home? Have you ever done any voluntary work? 2    / A&1~

w    1    • i -

How many evening classes do you do? Whicn ore s;? \joń f Do you usually switch on your Computer in the evenmgs?

Do you find it easy to switch off after work/school? QO!'

How good do you think your ‘work/life balance’ is?    '

Listen to the resuits and see if you were right.

Try to complete the sentences in the How to box from

memory. Then listen and check your answers.

report the resuits of a survey

Report exact nine (1) cH oftwenty people stay at work late at resuits    least three times a week.

25% of the group had done some voluntary work.

(2^»^eA|said that a good way of relaxing was watching TV.

Nobody liked doing this every evening.




(3)U^ half the group regularly works iate at the °^Ce'

Hardly (4)    of them thought this was a bad

thing. T

Many people are doing some kind of online course. Only a few people said they switched their Computer




on every evemng.

The (vast) (5)^z^ll_ sfey they do at least one evening

. ^oK7]

)    wou!

Only a (smali) (6) evening classes, however.

would like to do morę

Write some questions for a survey. First, underline the parts of the questions in Ex. 10 that you can use, e.g. Do you ever..,?

In pairs, choose which survey to do: the internet in people’s lives or the Arts in people’s lives. Write six~eight questions for your survey.

e Ask your questions to as many students as you can and make a notę of their answers.

in pairs, collect the resuits of your survey and prepare to report them to the rest of the class. Use the How to box to help you.

b Report the resuits of your survey to the class.

e Were the resuits of any of the surveys surprising?



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