P1190336 (2)

P1190336 (2)

Ttdo**/ MalmewMu



pA>dMriflof lxmaM(y, wic I. Tfu; wcomifuctii MW Malinowski I972t)



ptlMton, Aand Mlamoiuły. «i(c I. A c!ay obj®

HW <iackow*k» 2*X>3: 41 Fig 20: ,6; a"„rkoUk '"JLi I*?!,

has iis «ł‘"valen“''’0B 2»5 '289; dutriŁi of Pfsek (Axamil    ( łl0|j al^’

-3ni49 7 V 16 I g). would bc irrclcvant. w

S» VMbrady. toncl of Nymburfc (che CjwS Reptiblic). A aoiid oak Iwf iWptd chy <*feci (tflcr Hdiich 1123)

Fig. 9. Podftndjr, diłtnct of Nymburk < fhc

Czech RcpaMis). Aft osflr iaNftpfd i% haftów immde faficr ffcifich 1925)

n open*work disc with a cross was also found in the gravc in Podćbrady; how-e«erf H was madc of ciay (Hdiich 1923:5, Fig. 2) not bronze. as was the one from Komorowo. In completing the revicw of imports discovcrcd so far in Komorowo, iw carniot ovcrlook one morę issue, the naturę of which perhaps remmds us of the flctlion related to the occurrence of somc loom weights. I am thśnking herc about de diicoycry of bones of the domestic fbwl, which begins to appear in the early Ima Age at a smali mimber of sites in Poland located along the reconstnicted main tmber routc. Howevcr. that bird might have appeared on the route as the rcsult of cSltural contact s arriving from Ukrainę (Gotfredsen, Makowiecki 2004: 95-96).

Not very far from the fortificd sitc in Komorowo, which is located on the "‘land on Bytyń Lakc. there is a cemetery on the mainland in Gorszewice, districi of Szamotuły dated on the end of the Hallstatt C and the HaD (Fig. 10). That -smętny was cxamined by amateur excavations in the 19* cen tury and yieldcd many objęci* which were imports from the north Italian and casi Alpme region\ (Pieczyński 1954: 150; Szafrański 1961: 344; cf also Gcdl 1991). Thereforc they vcrc regardcd as burial grounds for the population meduting in the trade between ihe region* on the Baltic Sca and in the south of Europę (Luka 1959: 85, 91 94). perhaps cvcn an organised group of southem origin. ~howcvcr. most probabiy from within the arca of the Lusatian culturc” (Bukowski 1972: 121; 1983: 54), dlich occupied Komorowo (Pieczyński 1954: 150; Szafrański 1961: 344. mu my others). The rcsearch camed out, this timc profcssionally. on the ■


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