

Poziom rozszerzony

Zadanie 1. (5 pkt)

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie fragment audycji radiowej. Zaznacz, które zdania są prawdziwe (TRUE), a które fałszywe (FALSE).



1. Ada's grandmother was born in 1947.

2. During the war Helena's family left Warsaw.

3. In 1944 Helena's uncle was killed.

4. After the war Helena graduated and started to work.

5. Helena is still teaching English at schooi.

Zadanie 2. (3 pkt)

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy dialogi (1.-3.). Dopasuj do nich odpowiednie miejsca (A-D). Jedno miejsce zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego dialogu.

►    A. A bookshop

►    B. Achemist's

►    C. A stationer's

►    D. An electrical shop

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy rozmowy (1.-3.). Wybierz odpowiedzi zgodne z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

1.    The speaker has got some problems

►    A. with his car.

►    B. with his Computer.

►    C. with delivering a letter to the proper address.

2.    The girls are talking about

►    A. a novel.

►    B. a sculpture.

►    C. a play.

Zadanie 4. (3 pkt)

Przeczytaj wypowiedzi Christophera, Melissy i Kingi (1.-3.) na temat ulubionego święta. Dobierz do każdej wypowiedzi odpowiedni tytuł (A-D). Jeden tytuł został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.


Christopher: Weil, l’m really looking forward to the 4“* of November! I love turkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie! We always have a great time playing games and watching tv all day long. The great thing is you don’t have to buy presents for everyone!


Melissa: I think it’s the most exciting night in the whole year. We always have a big party - all our friends and family are invited! The Christmas tree is still standing in our sitting room and we decorate the whole house with streamers and balloons. At mid-night we usually go out to watch fireworks.


Kinga: I think there is only one such night in a whole year. The best moments are after the supper, when we all sit together singing carols, playing funny games and eating sweets. Last year I went with my parents to hear a midnight mass. It was a won-derful walk. There were colourful lights on the trees everywhere in our Street.

►    A. Christmas Eve - my favourite day of the year

►    B. I love Boxing Dayl

►    C. New Year’s Eve - a great time with family and friends

►    D. Thanksgiving - the best holiday of the year!

Zadanie 5. (4 pkt)

Przeczytaj uważnie tekst. Zaznacz, które zdania są prawdziwe (TRUE), a które fałszywe (FALSE).

The Battle of the Oranges

The Orange Throwing Festival is held in lvrea, a smali town in Northern Italy. It is held every year on the last three days of the Carnival. The origins of the festival are unclear, but it is said that in the 19,h century girls used to throw oranges from the bal-conies at young men taking part in annual carriage paradę to get their attention. The young men responded by throwing oranges back at them.

Every year three thousand participants are divided into nine te-ams to celebrate the orange throwing festival. The beginning of the festival is signalled by holding a child in the air. Oranges are thrown at each other with considerable force and can actually hit one hard, as during the cold February days the oranges be-come as tough as a bali.

język angielski | organizer gimnazjalny


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