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disadvantages, and to work out the most effective way of their use in class, As. in many other cases, the Computer is not a self-sufficient means of language teaching, but a valuable aid that should be used together with other already established devices for helping the language leamer.

At present, the major barrier to utilising the fuli capabilities of this resource seems to lie in the ąuality of available educational software. In a majority of currently available FLT software, leamers encounter inaccurate or incomplete content as well as frustrating operational difficulties. The courseware often provides the types of leaming activities that are easy to conceptualise and design, not neeessarily those that would be most beneficial to the leamer. This problem of ąuality relates to pedagogical relevanee and integrity.

There is no reason to be sceptical about the further positive shift in the ąuality and efficiency of new Computer software, but, as usual, the main impetus must come primarily from teachers. They must be willing to (1) critically evaluate Computer courseware before incorporating it into their curricula, (2) elect to use only courseware that is instructionally sound and of the highest intemal ąuality, and (3) demand morę and better alternatives from courseware designers and publishers.

10.2. Computer assisted language learning

In recent years, new terms have been introduced into language teaching: Computer assisted instruction (CAI), or Computer assisted language leaming (CALL).

CAI means the use of a Computer in a teaching programme. This may include:

—    a teaching programme which is presented by a Computer in a seąuence. The student responds on the Computer, and the Computer indicates whether the responses are correct or incorrect;

—    the, use of computers to monitor student progress, to direćtj students into appropriate lessons, materiał, etc.

CALL may take the form of:

—    activities which parallel learning through other media but which uses the facilities of the Computer (e.g. using the Computer to present a reading text),

—    activities which are extensions or adaptations of print-based or classroom based activities (e.g. Computer programmes that teach writing skills by helping the student develop a topie and thesis statement and by checking a composition for vocabulary, grammar, and topie development).

Computer-delivered tutorials are used primarily to introduce new Information to the leamer in a way that is similar to how teachers and texts often present new educational content. The ąuality of this type of courseware ranges from rather simple page-tuming activities leaving the learner in a passive role to higher ąuality tutorials engaging the learner in a series of interactions. Each ąuestion is intended to monitor the learner's understanding of the content, while each answer elicits appropriate and constractive feedback. The responses are then judged in order to determine further individualised activities.

The tutorial format is especially well suited for individualised reading comprehension and study skills activities. Morę sophisticated courseware resemble communicative dialogues in which the leamer can ask for morę information or clarification whenever needed.

As mentioned before, drill and practice exercises were among the earliest CALL applications and are still very common although they often generate a lot of criticism. As their name implies, these exercises are intended to provide practice opportunities that help the leamer become morę proficient in applying information that has been previously introduced. Leamers, who wish to practice can proceed at their own pace through a set of items that, when mastered, can be replaced by a completely new set. Other CALL applications, such as games or simulations, freąuently incorporate drill and practice routines, but they are often unnoticed because the entire presentation is interesting and motivating.

In generał, a Computer simulation or gamę presents a model of a real or imaginary situation in which the leamer plays an active role



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