27298 oak sih8

27298 oak sih8


Figurę 71. Hilt of a very large sword (Type XIA) found near Pontirolo in North Italy c. 1150. Privatc Collection.

This svvord's massive proportions put it into a class of its own. Comparison with the Type X sword, shown beside it to the same scalę, gives a elear idea of its size, (Fig. 72). The overall length is 47.25 inches (120 cm): the blade is 40.5 inches (102.8 cm) long and 2.75 inches (7 cm) broad at the hilt; the cross is 8.5 inches wide and no less than 1 and 1/16 inches thick in the mitidle. The weight of the sword is just a whisker under 5 Ib. A really massive weapon, but its grip is only 4.25 inches long, so in no way can it come into the same category of other types of Great Sword, or War Sword, whose grips are between 6 inches and 8 inches long.


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