65763 system 30

65763 system 30


sbort ; we sąueeze thcm in another dircction. It is aix of one and half a dozen of the other ! \Vherever you go. you see babies lying asleep in tiieir cradles (when once the poor little things have squalled themsehes to slecp), with tight stockings and ready-made laced boots on their feet. The least punishment to which their mothers ought to be con-demned should be to sleep a night in bed in stockings and laced boots In the case of 99 per cent. of mothers it is from motives of vanity that their children wear shoes as smali and smart as can be procured. and it would certainly be mipossible to get any mother to admit that they are too smali. even had one an opportumty of drawmg the outline of the foot on paper. and provmg liow much wider it is than the sole of the shoe.

A bad carnage, a clumsy, hesitating walk, distorted feet, and num-berless hours of pam are the penalty of wearing, while growing shoes that are too smali.

Eight Hours* Sleep

This is. on an average. the minimum necessary if you do not wish to burn the candle at both ends. But one may verv welł sleep seven hours in the summer, and nine in the winter. First-rate physical work cannot be performed unless one lias slept well the night before. as I have often found from experience, and I doubt whether corres-pondmgly good mental work can. either. unless with the help of nerve-destroying stimulants. Thousands of soldiers have been madę nervous wrecks in the Great War l>ecause their leaders. without necessity. de-prived them of suriicient sleep. As far as the bed itself is concemed. feather-beds should be avoided. and the head should not be too lugh. One smali pillow is sufificient.

Moderation in Smoking

An old English clergyman, who had smokcd as a young inan, re-marked : "On many a minister's tombstone the words ' Died in the Lord ’ are engraved when the inscription ought rather to be 4 Smoked himself to death.' "

AU the boys one sees with cigarettes 111 their mouths— and theii number is unfortunately legion—are physical, morał, and intellectual suicides.

A pipę or a cigar after lunch and dinner will hardly hurt a grown-up person ; still, one has a fuller use of ones senses. especially those of taste and smell. if one does not smoke. I have frcquently experienced this wdien in times gone by I have left off smoking for several months while training. If you restrict yourself to a few cigars or pipes a day. or lialf a dozen cigarettes. they w ill taste all the better


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