any some much many


Translate into English: (10 pts)

  1. Zdrowy

  2. Spragniony

  3. Koszyk

  4. Ananas

  5. Sałata

  6. Masło

  7. Pocić się

  8. Zawierać

  9. Ostatnio, niedawno

  10. Wykonywać ćwiczenia

Put SOME or ANY in the gaps: (6 pts)

1 I'm going to buy………………..posters.
2 They didn't have…………
……… pens.
3 There aren't……………….shops in this part of the town.
4 There are…………………beautiful leather jackets in the shop window.
5 I haven't got……………….stamps but Ann has got…………………….

Put MUCH or MANY in the gaps: (7 pts)

Jane hasn't got…………………….time.

Do you know…………………………English people?

He didn't eat…………………….chocolate.

There isn't………………..butter in the fridge.

How…………………eggs did the hens lay? hens lay eggs- kury znoszą jaja

There are…………………men but some women.

0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
There are……………………..cakes in the fridge.

Put in HOW MUCH or HOW MANY: (7 pts)

  1. ………………………….people are coming to the party?

  2. …………………………..milk do you want in your coffee?

  3. …………………………..bread did you buy?

  4. …………………………..players are there in a football team?

  5. ………………………….money do you want?

  6. ………………………….photographs did you take?

  7. …………………………. furniture is there in the shop?


Translate into English: (10 pts)

  1. Zdrowy

  2. Spragniony

  3. Koszyk

  4. Ananas

  5. Sałata

  6. Masło

  7. Pocić się

  8. Zawierać

  9. Ostatnio, niedawno

  10. Wykonywać ćwiczenia

Put SOME or ANY in the gaps: (6 pts)

1 I'm going to buy………………..posters.
2 They didn't have………………… pens.
3 There aren't……………….shops in this part of the town.
4 There are…………………beauti
ful leather jackets in the shop window.
5 I haven't got……………….stamps but Ann has got…………………….

Put MUCH or MANY in the gaps: (7 pts)

Jane hasn't got…………………….time.

Do you know…………………………English people?

He didn't eat…………………….chocolate.

There isn't………………..butter in the fridge.

How…………………eggs did the hens lay? hens lay eggs- kury znoszą jaja

There are…………………men but some women.

0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
There are……………………..cakes in the fridge.

Put in HOW MUCH or HOW MANY: (7 pts)

  1. ………………………….people are coming to the party?

  2. …………………………..milk do you want in your coffee?

  3. …………………………..bread did you buy?

  4. …………………………..players are there in a football team?

  5. ………………………….money do you want?

  6. ………………………….photographs did you take?

  7. …………………………. furniture is there in the shop?
