14816 IX 1

14816 IX 1

Index IX

See also Section IV for Abbreviations of principal English and Foreign terms, and Section IW for International Abbreviations.

......... IO    23, IU 14

............... IQ    53

................IF    43

............... IQ    25

.............. IG    178

.............. IG    130

................. IJ i

..............ID    23.4

............... IN    42

IF 27-28, IG 134, IO 48

..............IE    34.3

................ IO    4

... 101-11,1080-126

.................IP    5

............... IS    13

.................IP    4

.............. IS 2-3

............ IS 10-16

......... IP    3, IQ 110

............... IB    62

............... IR    14

............... IB    23

............... IN    11

................IF    19

................ IU    2

...............IU    1.2

............... IN    22

........... IJ af, IQ 2

..............IE    34.2

.. . IJ ag, IP 11.4, IQ a

............ 10 102.2

.................IT    1

...............IU 1.1

......... IG    131, IU6

............... IU 28

................ IU    9

..........IF    a, IG 181

.............. IG    178

............... IO 47

............... IA 15

............... IU 20

...........IG 28, IJ e

............ IN 40-41

............... IB 24

............... IK17

.................IF    4

............... IG 81

............ ID 22-24

.............. IG    114

............IJ    8

.......... IG    86

......... IQ 2-5

.......... IP    11

.........IQ 101

.... IE 24,IG 66

......... IG 147

.......... IB    70

.......... IP    10

.......... IQ    20

.........IC 31.3

.......... IG    39

.......... IS    13

............IE    2

............IS    5

...........IF    32

......... IF 53.2

......... IG 152

.......... IN    44

.......... IO    47

.......... IO    46

. . . . IN 46, IO 42

.......... IO    45

.......... IP    10

........II 30-31

........... II    30

. . . . IC 10, IC 12

........ IB 20-a

.......... IG 76

........... IA    b

......... IG 182

......... IG 177

........... IA    5

IA c

IJ 10, IJ 22, IK 16

........... IA    9

........... IO    9

........... IK    b

...........IF    53

........... IO    7

.......... IE 12

......... IM 22

.......... IM 23

............. ID

.........IE 10.4

....... IH 42-43

............ IH    f

.......... IO 59

...........IF 61

.......... IG 14

.......... IN 48

.......... IG 32

.......... IDU

.......... 10 21

About................................... 10    a

Abyssal hill ............................ 10 37

Abyssal plain ........................... 10 49

Aerial, dish ............................. IE 31

Aerial cableway......................... ID 25

Aero light .............................. IP60

Aeronautical radiobeacon ................ IS 16

Airfleld, airport .......................... ID 17

Air obstruction light...................... IP61

Air traffio ..........................IG 116-118

Algae.................................... IJ t

Alternating light .......................IP    10.11

Amber ................................IP    11.8

Anchor berth ........................... IN 11

Anchorage ..................... IN 10-a, 10 21

Anchorage area ...................... IN    10-a

Anchoring prohibited .................... IN 20

Anchoring system ........................IL    b

Ancient ................................ I0 84

Annual change.......................... IB 66

Anomaly, local magnetic ................. IB 82

Approach .............................. I0 22

Approximate............................ I0 89

depth contour ........................ 1131

height contour ....................... IC12

position............................. IB 33

Apron.................................. I0 59

Archipelago ............................. IG    5

Area to be avoided ...................... IM 29

Area, restricted ....................... IN    20-b

Artificial features ........................IF    1-6

Artificial island ...........................IL 15

Astronomical tides................ IH 2-3, IH 20

Atoli .................................... IG    6

Automatic tog signal ................. IR 20-22

Avenue ............................... IG    111

Awash, rock ............................ IK12

Bank ...............

Barge buoy .........

Barrage, flood .......

Barrel buoy..........

Barrier, floating.......

Barrier, tidal .........

Basalt ..............

Bascule bridge ......

Baseline, Territorial Sea

Basin ...............



Beacon .............

buoyant, resilient . .


lighted ..........

radar ............

radio ............


Bearing .............

Bell ................




designation ......

visitors’ ..........


Bird sanctuary .......

Black ...............


Blue ................

Board, painted.......

Boarding place, pilot . . Boat

harbour ..........

hoist, lift..........




Boom ..............

Borderland, Continental Border scalę, linear ..

Bottle gas ...........

Boulder .............

Boundary, International

Boundary mark ......

Breakers .............

Breakwater ..........

Brick kiln, works.......

Bridges ..............


Bridges (contd)

lights, traffio signals ...................IT    25

Broken .......... IJ    33

Brown ..................................IJ    ak

Buddhist tempie ........................ IE    16

Building....................... ID 1-8, IG 60-a

harbour............................ IG 148

slip................................ IG 171

yard............................... IG 172

Bunker station ......................... IG 174

Buoys .............................. IQ 1 -71

Buoy dump, yard....................... IG 173

Buoyant beacon ..........................IP    5

Buoyed ................................ IO    82

Buried pipę, pipeline......................IL 42

Bushes ................................ IG    37

Cable.................................. IB    46

buoy ............................... IQ    55

ferry ............................... IM    51

landing beacon ..................... 10123

overhead ........................... ID    27

submarine ....................... IL 30-32

Cableway (aerial) ....................... ID    25

Cairn ................................. IQ 100

Caisson.................................IF    42

Calcareous .............................IJ    38

Calling-in point ......................... IM    40

Calvary ................................ IE    12

Camping site ........................... IU    30

Canal........................... IF 40, IG 132

Canal distance mark......................IF    40

Can buoy .............................. IQ    21

Candela................................ IB    54

Canyon ................................ IO    55

Cap ................................... IO    63

Cape ................................... IG    7

Caravan site ........................... IU    29

Cardinal marks....................... IQ 130,3

Cargo transhipment area ................. IN    64

Car park ............................... IU    27

Castle .......................... IE 34.2, IG 64

Casuarina.............................IC 31.6

Cathedral .............................. IG    75

Causeway ...............................IF    3

Cautionary notes ....................... IA    16

Cay .................................... IG    3

Cement works .......................... IG 82

Cemetery .............................. IE 19

Centimetre ............................. IB 43

Chain designator, Decca ................. IS 25

Chalk.................................... Uf

Chandler .............................. IU    12

Channel................................ 1014

dredged .......................... 1121-23

half-tide .............................. II    b

maintained ........................... II    23

Chapel ................................ IE    11

Characters, Light........................ IP    10


Datum ......................... IH 1, IH 20

limit, larger scalę .................... IA    18

number ............................ IA1-3

scalę ............................... IA    13

title ................................ IA    10

Chemical pipeline ...................... IL 40.1

Chemical dumping ground ............... IN    24

Chemist................................ IU    16

Chequered colours ....................... IQ    c

Chimney ............................... IE    22

Chocolate ............................... IJ    al

Church ................................ IE    10

Cinders ..................................IJ    n

City ................................... IG    50

Clay ....................................IJ    3


horizontal ........................... ID    21

safe overhead ....................... ID    26

vertical .................... ID 20, ID 22-28

Cleared platform, site ....................IL 22

Clearing linę ............................. IM    2

Clearing linę beacons................... 10121

Cliffs ................................... IC    3

Closed ................................ IO    87

Coal harbour .......................... IG 154

Coarse .................................IJ    32

Coastguard station ................... IT 10-11

Coastline.............................. IC1-8

Coast radar station ........................IS    1

Coast radio station, QTG service ......... IS    15


Coldstore ....................

Colour of beacon, buoy ........

Colour of lights ...............

Coloured mark................

Column ......................

Commercial port ..............

Compass rosę ................

Composite light ...............

Conical buoy .................


Coniferous woodland ..........

Consol beacon................

Conspicuous landmark ........

Conspicuous, on radar.........

Construction works ...........

Container orane...............

Container harbour.............

Contiguous Zonę..............


borderland ................



slope ....................

Continuous flashing light ......


depth ....................

drying ....................


Control points ................


Conversion scales, tables ......

Conveyor ....................

Cooling water intake/outfall .....



Notice ....................

Coral ........................

Corner coordinates............

Cove ........................

Covers ......................




Crossing gates, traffic separation

Crossing, traffic separation .....

Cultural features...............

Cupola, church ...............

Current ......................

meter ....................

meter buoy ...............

Custom Office.................

Customs harbour..............

Customs limit .................



Cylindrical buoy ..............

Dam................................... IF    44


area beacon ....................... 10125

area/zone buoy ...................... IQ    50

firing area .......................... IN    30

isolated marks.................... 10130.4

linę.................................. IK 1

reported ............................ II    3-4

signal station .........................IT    35

Dangerous wreck ....................... IK28

Dark ...................................IJ    ao

Data collection buoy .................... IQ    58


Chart.......................... IH    1,    IH20

land survey..................... IH    7,    IH 20

Ordnance...................... IH    d,    IH 20

Daytime light ........................... IP    51

Decca System ....................... IS 20-25

Deciduoustree ........................IC 31.1

Deciduous woodland .................... IG    38

Decimetre.............................. IB    42

Decreasing ............................ IB    64

Deep water (DW)

anchorage .........................IN 12.4

harbour ........................... IG 142

route ............................... IM 27

Degaussing rangę ...................... IN 25

buoy ............................... IQ 54

Degree ................................. IB 4

Delta .................................. 1018




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