18584 P1190302 (2)

18584 P1190302 (2)

160    Monik* Michnik

Anons thc artefacts of foreign provenance found at the nccropolis wcntn I cnwncnte paintcd pottery; conical lids; glazed. glass and amber beads; wingtd I pod nxcs. and * harp libiiUu5 The relatively varied assortment and comparativelv I tege iHBnher of lhose artefacts (companng to the other sites of that group) a | stnkmg The latcer is probnbly connected with the fact that this cemetery was I «And not only dunng Hallstatt C period (HaC), but also in HaD. At the esisting j Idge of the elaborat ton of thc materials it is still difficult to render the tracesof 1 iMMragioul interactłons manifested in thc vessel forms and decorations.

The giazed beads madę of glass pastę occurred in 41 graves. as single finds O| in multilme oecklaces consisting of double strings of beads - their number I nnched 22*7 iteras teoenp. Tablc 1). They occur also as finery elements combined ]


in łjppci Silesia (drawn by R Pola^kŁV

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*- Polakiewicz]


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