

Fo y\-L i nes

Carnation with bcc    Garden Flowcr Kit

Thcsc paltem dctails should be used in conjuneiion wilh ihc Focm-A-Lincs (jenerał Instruclion shcct.

"Out ai..." means bring the nccdle from the back of ihc work through to ihc front.

“In at..." rneans takc the nccdle from the right side of the work througli to the back.

On many scctions of this design sonie holes arc uscd morę than oncc.



Shown on wing I.

Out at K in at L Out at M in at N Out at O in at P Continue this scqucncc umil Ihc wing is complcte.

Stitch the other wings in the same way.


Out at I in at 2 Out at 3 in at 2 Continue this scsjucncc along the body stripcs umil the body is complcte.

Backstitch around the outlinc ofthc body. Antcnnac

Backstitch the antcnnac by following the diagram.



Pctal shown on flowcr 3. Out at ) in at X Out at 2 in at X Out at 3 in at X Out at 4 in at X Out at $ in at X Out at $ in at 3 Out at 1 in at 3 Out at I in at 2 Out at 4 in at 2 Stiteh the other petats in the same way.

Flowcr bases Shown on flowcr 2 Out at A in at 13 Out at C in at D Out at E in at F Continue this scquence until the base is complcte.

Stiteh the other iwo bases in the sanie way.


Shown on stem 2 Out at B in at l) Out at C in at E Out at D in at F


The scqucncc on each leaf runs in the lettered order starting willi:

Out at A in at B Out at C in at D Out at E in at F Continue until the leaf is complcte.

Stiteh the other lcavcs in the same way.

Continue this scqucncc until the stem is complcte.

Stiteh the other stenis in the same way.

Thcsc Form-A-Lines instruciions arc copyright O 2000 Cird Inspirations and may not be reproduccd without permission.

Published by Card Inipiralions Tcwin tlili Farm. Tcwin. Ileits AL6 OLL. UK. Tel: 0I43S 717000 FAX: 0I43S 717477


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