29561 system 20

29561 system 20


they will not immediately obey thc nerves' command, and tliey are tired before having commenced their real work.

Moreover, if the breath is held simuUanoously with the tension of the muscles, the result is that the person will be out of breath, and wil! miss his target or be defeated in the struggle. A champion boxer or wrestler understands to loosen and re)ax his muscles whilst dancing round his opponent : and even at close ąuarters, or in an cmbrace, it is unnecessary to protect morę than one or two points by contracting a rauscle. The crawl-swunmer does not last long unless he understands to relax the arm muscles while bringing the disengaged arm forward above the water.

Also the leg muscles, w hen they have performed the ltick or " beat,” should be dragged along absolutely slack and relaxed. On the eon-trary, a so-ealled " gymnast ” or a " strong man ” is usually stiff as wood in the arm, abdominal and respiratory muscles, and is, therefore, of no use in any branch of athletics or games whatsoeyer.

I consider it to be the worst fault of all to maintain the " crampy ' position of “attentioti " during the performance of my exercises; also the very much advertised. but really fearfully unhealthy “ gym-nastic form.” 1 demand that every second moment, namely. during every exhalation. one should " relax ” many muscles and " collapse, ’ as it were, as only in this way is it possible to maintain elasticity in all parts of the frame, organs and muscles.

The majority of people, inciuding all " good gymuasts " and bad athletes, ago much too quickly, get stiff and short-winded. just because they have nevor learnt the art, or got the habit of breathing with the whole of the lungs, and relaxing their muscles in time. Even when they are dozing in a " comfy ” arm-chair, ycs, eveti when they are asleep in their beds, and are supposed to be resting the whole body, they still have several muscles partly contracted.

The Immediate Effects of Rational Physical Exercise

After a few weeks' work, you will notę willi agreeable surprise that the fat round your waist and abdomen is beginning to yield place to firm muscles, and, indeed, what 1 might cali a " muscular corset " is gradually developed ; the basis of a strong and hoalthy body. In nomen, moreover. this corset will bring about the conditions necessary for painless delivery in childbirth, together with other desirable results. What these "Corset Exercises " also to a cery high degree tend to promote in those who practise them arc : a good carriage, a straight, erect back. and elasticity and suppleness in all the movements of the trunk.

The enttre body is strengthened, and grows flexible, mobile, and ef&cient. After you have once really become strong all over, as a matter of course you are healthy as well, and if healthy, at the same time—but only tkon—really beautiful. This is true of both men and women. Beauty is thus identical with health and strength—not a sign, but an expression of it. It can be proved, both amongst human beings and the higher animals, that the shapes and proportions which render the body most scrviceable in everv respect are the most beautiful and the most harmonious. I am not alluding to beauty of feature or unneces-sary strength of arm. Of what use can it be for a chain to have cer-


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