29251 jow13 02

29251 jow13 02

;jiothar Inportant thing I want to talk to you about boforo loavlng you.

You alrcody havo your Advanood Courso with tho PU lenna Dimb Solla, ar.d horo you hav« tho Supor Advancod Courao uaing tho FUlerun Barboll.

Praotico tho Advancod Couroo firat, for ono or two or throo oonths as you ploaao, and tho:: fol Iow through with tho Supor Advanood Courao (whon you havo corpj^tod(.tho Adraicod Courao) — but I do not want you to nix thcrn togothor by flelooting a Tbw of caoh, and małcing your evm progran.

fron now on, you aro not roąulrod to oxorci«io ovory r.ight, In a to od cvory othcr night, auch ao, Uonday, YJodnosday, Jbiday, Sunday, Tuoaday, and ao on*

Ho euro to alwaya nosaago your nuscloo aftor oach oxoroiao period, and wnsh off tho pcrcpiratlon which contolns tho toxin that tho oxorcisos ojoct from tho body.

Kbllow out all tho othor hoalth praoticoa ao I havo adviaod you all along. I Bhall alwaya bo your friond I hopo, and If you fool any anproclatlon for ny eorvicoo, all tho roward I aok lc that you alwaya bo proud of tho fbot that you aro a Jowott pupil, and rccoamend sy courso to your frionda whanoYor you eon.

Now, od long, and tho bo ot of luck go with you oyory day of your 11 fNo. You should now hnve tho hoalth, ntrongth and appoaranco of a real ho-mar. that can holp you carvo your way to oucoosc in your Ufo anbition. 55oalth and strongth aro your greatoot aanot and r.lwaye will bo. No nattor how rioh you =ay bocono, without thoao mnrclous glfta you would alwaya bo poor, aa you woli know. Por anything olflo you will novor flnd tho c«uno fhsolnatlng plofteuro or tho Joy oqu:il to what you will dally oxporionoo in fooling your hoalthy, irigoroue rnucolcs vibrato in your body. Lifo is beforo you, ao go noot lt fcnrloaoly with a song in your hoart and on your lipa. It la tho grandeat anthom tho world know* of.

Idndoat rogorda arc ovor to you, and I remain alwaya.

Your friond and toaoher.

3up. 2


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