40552 Obraz4 (157)

40552 Obraz4 (157)

tn case

write a format ietter of application

Look at the book cover and answer the questions.

1    Wh re do you think the story i s ?

2    Wh t do you think hem in ch r cterdoes?

Read extract i and check your ideas.

Read extract i again and exptain each of these lines in your own words.

1    It was atways morę difficutt than you thought it would be. (1.6)

2    It was morę than she had imagined possible. (I.9)

3    I am going to have to start from scratch. (I.15)

Before you read extract 2, discuss these questions.

1    What kinds of things will she need to do to set up her business?

2    What problems do you think she might have? Read extract 2 and check your ideas.

Read extract 2 again and answer these questions.

1    What equipment and furniture did she get for her office?

2    Who did she employ and how?

3    Were they busy when they first opened? Why do you think this is?



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