45702 Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2004

45702 Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2004

Rows 2-3 Row4:

sc In ©o st oaoss (7 sc) Ch 1 Tum. docftat st.scinnoj(t3sts.deciastst (5 sc) Ch 1 Tum Raw 5:    dec first st. sc m next jt. doc lost st. (3

sc)Ch 1 Tum

Raw 6    dec r«t st. sciniostst. (2 sc) CM Tum

Row 7 sc m ea st ocros*. (2 sc) Break ort ond fosten

Sew tai tog as foliom foW torf m half łongthwśe (so that rows are touching ©och om©r) Włth yam and yam needto. sow tog workłng from toof tof to row 1. Pioco tati onto bock ona of body bock ond sew mto appropncte ploco fi© ort and katon Eors: Mak© 2. With Brown, ch 6 Row 1:    sc in 2nd ch from hk ond łn ea ch

oaoss (5 sc) Ch 1 Tum Raw 2 sc in ©a st oaoss (5 sc) Ch 1 Tum Row 3 tnc first st. sc m nart 3 st*. mc tost st. ( 7 sc) Ch 1 Tum

Raw 4 mc flet st. jc In n©xt 5 st*. inc kat st (9 sc)Ch 1. Ton

Rows b-6 sc in oc st ocross. (9 sc)Ch 1. Tum Row 7:    decfirstst.jclnn©jct5$łs.dock»lst.(7

sc) Ch 1 Tum

Raw 8    docf*stsł.scinne»t3sts.dociastst (5

sc) Ch 1 Tum

Row 9    skflrstst.scmnoxt3sts.sisllnlastst.(3

sc) Ch 1 Tum

S©w Eors: With yam and yam noodie s©w onto pups forohead or©a opprox 3 sts opad Srowsup from body and toreheod ond foce seom Skant bock of oa slightty towarcts bonom of forohood and foco seom Nos* With błock. Ch 2.

Row 1:    7 sc łn2ndch kom hk.(7 sc) Join Ch


Row 2    1 sc in ©o st around (7 »c) Break off

ond fasfon

S©w on nos©: With biock yam and yam needto s©w nos© onto foco Plocomonf shoutdbocentor foce. bonom of nos©- 4 rows up from foc© ond throat soom tcpołnase- 6 rcws up from foce and throat seom

Foce ScuipMng:WHhbrown yam and yannoedto. anoch yom on s»d© top sochon of foc© and throat seom Push needto ond yam mrough same plac© whor© yom wos ahochod to row 11 from foc© soom on foc© (counting from foc© ond throat ©om) Ropoot sam© procedao 3 timos. wortang 1 row up and 1 row down in mouth aoa andwcrkmg ocross on Hth row fowords center a row Repeat same procedurę fa othor skt© offoc©


Front paw* Using yam cokx desired (ełthor oda same as puppy a a contiostrng yam) ond yam needto. tle ycm on bonom sido of paw appra* 4 rows up from ©ndof paw. approx 54 Inch from sido of paw Draw yam ower to front of paw and push needto ttwough paw to bock sde Puli tightty Tio off Rep piocodure one© mor© ccprcor. 'i mch owery from frjt step

Bock paws Rep same proceduro os tor front paw*. >eavng a Vł Inch spoć© befween first stop ond seccnd stop. Weov© In on locso ©nds on cH four paws. Cu! off oxc©ss

Ey©* Eyes moy bo embroidered or an altematN© mofhod of using fott moy bo usod Embroidered eyes: using 3 s*rands of błock embroidor floss ond ombroider needto— stem st eyo outine (eyes shouid beveryckae to touching eochother) and sotnsteye pupa Wrmwhitoftoss. satłn st smae area for wtvte of oye. With dark brown floss. sotin st remaining oroo stem sfod tor outimoof ey© Cut off 01 exposed threod ©nds

F©łt ey©s: chooso tort colon to bo usod Cut out whir© ptoce for the ful s^e of tho ©y© smoBor piece tor cotored port of ey©. smo'1 ha* areto for oy©r<ł GO© proces onto ooch ofher In locohons desired os tonows- cotored port of ©ye. ©yelid With smal strond of whlf© ©mbrołdor flosi salin st o very smoli aroa on cołorod part of oye for pupil S©w mto pioco wrth noedle ond threod. warte mg around outsido ©dge Eyes stxx>d bo ofmost touct^ng ooch ofher

Bow around n©cto *4 mchnbbon moy be usod Cut piec© of rtbbon (cotor desired). opprox 12 nchos łong Ti© n bow a«xmd pupp/s nock Cutcffony ©xcess

Aitomatfy©: Wtth cotor yam desired and sto© B CTOchot hk— ch 70 BroakofTancJfoston Woovom tooso yam ©nds and t© m bow around pupp/s n©ck

Atways bo sur© to weav© m ony toos© yom ©nds ond cut off any excess fhot mery bo toft ovor Your puppy has boon modo with fonder corlng hands ond now ho needs scm©on© to kve him


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