57619 s&h 073

57619 s&h 073



aro of materiał assistance in the rejeetion of certain flnids and gases.

A treatise on tlio skin and its many fnnc-tfous won ld tako up too many ralnahle pages of tliis book, and the above will serve the purpose for which it is intended. The skin is really a sheath for the entire body; it takcs in oxygen and ejects carbouie gas and water. A well-cared-for and oonditioned skin will relieye, to a certain extent, the work of the lungs and the kidneys. It is tender and seusitire, and repays any little at-tention or care shown it.

N'ow snppose that an accmnulation of dirt elogs np sonie of those millions of pores, tliere is bonnd to be troilble of sonie kind. The aetiyp, healthy skin is always soft and moist. Wlien the eontrary exists, either soap and wartn water—and plenty of it—is needed, or else a doctor should be called in.

The best way to care for the skin is to keep as mtteh out in the opon air as possible, induce perspiration by exercising, followed


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