61123 system 07

61123 system 07



Health versus Illness

Why bc Weakly ?    ..    . •    ..    ..    -.    ..    ..    13

Illness is generaUy one's own Fault ..    ..    14

What ought we to do ?    ..    ..    ..    ..    ..    ..    16

Sonie Hints about the Care of the Skin    ..    16

The Importance of Relaxation    19

The Immediate Effects of Rational Physical Exercise ..    ..    20

Forty-five Years' Experiencc    ..    22

What I understand by Exercise, Athletic Sports and Physical

Culture    ..    . •    ..    • •    . •    24

The Minor Solrces of Health

Suitable Diet . .    ....    26

Sensible Underclothing    . .    27

Moderate Indoor Temperaturę    28

Propcr Care of Tecth, Mouth, Throat and    Hair    28

Some Attention to the Feet    20

Eight Hours' Sleep .......    .30

Modcration in Smoking    30


Infants, p. 31. Old People. p. 31. Literary and Scientific Men and Artists, p. 31. Office Workers. p. 32. Sportamen and Athletes, p. 32. For Womcn to Remember, p. 34. Cyclists, p. 35. Country People, p. 35 Travellers, p. 36. Fat and Thin People,

p. 37.

General Remarks on the Application of " My System ”    39

Special Exercisf.s for Special Complaints ..    40

I-ist of Chronić Ailments and Bodily Dbfects and Infirmi-

ties Successfully Treatkd    42

General Remarks on carrying out the Exercises    50

A Programue fur the first Six Weeks    52

A Table for Advanced Pkrformers in the Tropics    55

The Best Hours fok doing the Exekcises, and their Proper

Seqvencb ..    ..    ..    ..    56


Deep Breathing Excrcises    58

Knee Bending Exercises    ....    60

Relaxation Exercises ..    62

Exercises Nos. 1-8 of “ My System    64-82

The Bath, as it may be arranged in houses without bathrooms    82

Drying the Body    ..    83

The Rubbing Exercises. General Remarks    .    87

Exercises Nos. 9-18    ....    .88-110

My Special Exercises for the Neck    .111

My Special Foot Excrcises . .    114

Conclusion    ........ .    .    117


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