
fl owers pointing towards the upper edge of the storagc sheet. The covering sheet can then be applied so that it rolls frnm the base to the top of the peials, hclping to smooth out potenrial puckers and creases. The same layout shuuld be used for rows ot single pctals, for flowers with separated petals placed in the sideway position. and for lcave$.

In their origindl condition, some oj the flowers sIkkwj ńt these smali pendants uwiła tory* been Urn largo or fiv> poor in ifuality for miniaturę presentaiion. Careful plucking can atend lhe rangę of materiał or display U a differtnt nt&nner.

Tor. A uellow spray is completed unii: Izm single Meliiot florets taken front the lep of lhe flower /rairf.

Right. The. $hrivdled peials oj a poorly pressed Buttercup are renunwl to rewal lhe brighi stamens in lhe cenlre.

Left. The onter pętak ofa pink Camlytufi are picked out io leaoe a smali, zcell-dcjncd floioer head.


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