68429 milo 01 12

68429 milo 01 12


Pagc 12

flU-'ȣ 10

Figuro II

For Dc««loping Grri! Drptk of tkc Rib Boi ol


If your body weight is hght. Icu than 135 pounds. ic is advisabtc for you to commcncc this cxereisc by loading your brll up (o 15 pounds. If your wright ii around 150 pounds. u*e 20 pounds. or if you weigb around 200 pounds. and in fair condition, you can usc 30 pounds. Be carcful not lo excccd tbcsc pound-agn according to your weight, for in this excr-<ise no morę weight is rcquired to obtain re-sults than you can comfortably handle.

Lie flat upon the floor with thc beli at arms’ Icngth behind the head. as in Figurę 10. Grx?p the beli with both handt. thcn in a circular movcmcnt raisr the beli with STRAIGHT arms until it is at position of Pigure 12. As you raise thc weight brcathc in. and at you hołd tlić beli at arms'

Icngth ovrr the face as in Pigure 12. brcathc our. Thcn bcgin to brcathc in at you slowly lowcr thc beli back to Pigure 10. Pcrform this nuwment 5 times. and every third day add one repetition until you havc reachcd 20 rrpetitions: thcn add 5 pounds, and commcncc ovcr with 5 repetitions. Your arms must always be straight. We be-licvc that 50 pounds should be the limit of weight uscd in any pupil's progrewion as an

exercise. Thcreforc nem use any hcavicr poundage.

This it the best cxcrcise known for dweloping a dcep chcst. and when practiccd consistcntly big re-sults are gotten in a vcry short timc. but you must kcep the arms straight during thc movemenis from Figurę 10 to Figurę 12. and back again to Pigure 10. In this manner you will be dcscribing a quartcr-circle as in Figurę 11.


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