77370 snowflakes and angel pd 5561 pg 3

77370 snowflakes and angel pd 5561 pg 3

SNOWFLAKE #16 Size: 2%" diameter

Ch 8, join with sl st to form ring. Rnd 1: Ch 4. tr in ring. (ch 5. holding last lp of each tr on hook, 2 tr in ring, thread over and draw through ali 3 Ips on hook) 5 times, ch 5, |oin with sl st to beg ch 4.

Rnd 2: * Ch 10, sl st in same st, ch 15, sl st in same st, ch 10, sl st in same st, 6 sc in next ch 5 sp, sl st into tip of next 2 tr, rep from • around.

Fasten off.


Size: 3%" diameter

Ch 10, joln with sl st to form ring. Rnd 1: Ch 3, 23 dc in ring, join with sl st to beg ch 3.

Rnd 2: Ch 5, * sk next dc, dc in next dc, ch 2, rep from * around Joln with sl st to 3rd ch of beg ch 5. Rnd 3: Ch 3, * 3 dc in next ch 2 sp, dc in next dc, rep from * around omitting dc in next dc the last time, join with sl st to beg ch 3. Rnd 4: Sc in joining st, * sk next 3 dc, tr in next dc. (ch 2, tr in same st) 4 times, sk next 3 dc, sc in next dc, rep from * around omitting sc the last time, join with sl st to beg sc. Rnd 5: Sc in joining st, * (ch 3, sc in next ch 2 sp) 4 times. ch 3. sc in next sc, rep from * around omitting sc the last time. join with sl st to beg sc.

Fasten off.


Size: 4" tali


Clark's Big Bali, #20. 300 yds. Steel crochet hook size 10

Head and Body:

Ch 10, join with sl st to form ring. Rnd 1: Ch 2 (counts as hdc), 17 hdc in ring (18 hdc), Join with sl st to beg ch 2.

Rnd 2: Sc in joining st, • ch 3, sk next hdc, sc in next hdc, rep from * ending with ch 1, dc in beg sc to form lp (9 Ips).

Rnds 3-4: Sc in same lp, * ch 4, sc in next lp, rep from * ending with ch 2, dc in beg sc to form lp.

Rnd 5: Sc in same lp, * ch 3, sc in next lp. Rep from * ending with ch 1, dc in beg sc to form lp.

Rnd 6: Sc in same lp. * ch 2, sc in next lp. Rep from * ending with dc in beg sc to form lp.

Rnd 7: Sc in same lp, • ch 1, sc in next lp, rep from * ending with ch 1, sl st in beg ch 1 lp.

Rnd 8: Ch 2, hdc In next ch 1 lp, and in ea rem lp, sl st bet beg ch 2 and next hdc.

Rnd 9: Ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in same sp, 2 dc bet each 2 hdc (18 dc), join with sl st to beg ch 3.

Rnd 10: Sc in joining st, * ch 3, sk next dc, sc in next dc, rep from * ending with ch 1, sk next dc, dc in beg sc to form lp (9 Ips).

Rnds 11-14: Sc In same lp, ‘ ch 4, sc in next lp. rep from * ending with ch 2, dc in beg sc to form lp. Rnds 15-19: Sc in same lp, * ch 5, sc in next lp, rep from * ending with ch 2, dc in beg sc to form lp. Rnd 20: Sc in same lp, * ch 6. sc in next lp, rep from * ending with ch 6. join with sl st to beg sc. Fasten off.

Halo: Ch 26, join with sl st to form ring, sc in joining st, * ch 5. sk next ch, sc in next ch. rep from * ending with ch 5. Join with sl st to beg sc. Fasten off.


Row 1: Ch 4, dc in 3rd ch from hook, dc in next ch, ch 3, tum. Rows 2-7: Dc in next dc. dc in next ch. Rows 2-6: Ch 3. tum. Row 7: Ch 1, tum.

Row 8: Sc in dc at base of ch 1, ch 5. sc In next dc, ch 5, sc in next ch, tum.

Row 9: (Ch 5. sc in next lp) twice. ch 5, sc in next sc. tum.

Row 10: SI st in next 3 ch, sc in same lp. (ch 5. sc in next lp) twice. tum.

Row 11: (Ch 5, sc In next lp) twice, ch 5, sc in next sc. Fasten off. Completing Sleeves: Attach thread to end dc on oppos side, ch 3, dc in next dc, dc in next ch, rep from Row 2.


Ch 5, join with sl st to form ring. Row 1: Ch 5 (counts as dc and ch

2). dc in ring, (ch 2, dc in ring) 4 times, tum.

Row 2: SI st into ch 2 sp. ch 5, dc in same sp, (6 tr, In next ch 2 sp, dc, ch 2, dc in next ch 2 sp) twice, tum. Row 3: Sl st into ch 2 sp.' ch 4, sc bet next 2 tr, (ch 3. sc bet next 2 tr) 4 times, ch 2, dc in next ch 2 sp to form lp, tum.

Row 4: Sc in same lp, ch 4, sc in next lp, (ch 3, sc In next lp) 3 times, ch 2, dc in next lp to form lp, turn. Row 5: Sc in same lp, ch 4, sc in next lp, (ch 3, sc In next lp) twice, ch 2, dc in next lp to form lp, turn. Row 6: Sc in same lp, ch 4, sc in next lp. ch 3. sc in next lp, ch 2, dc in next lp to form lp, tum.

Row 7: Sc in same lp, ch 4. sc in next lp. ch 2. dc in next lp to form lp, tum.

Row 8: Sc in same lp, ch 6, sc in next lp. Fasten off.

Completing Wings: Attach thread to ch 2 sp bet the tr gps and rep oppos side from * of Row 3.

Edging: Attach thread to beg ch 5 ring, (ch 5, sc in next lp) 7 times, ch 5, sc in next lp, ch 5, sc in same lp, (ch 5, sc in next lp) 5 times, sc in next ch 2 sp. sc in next lp, (ch 5, sc in next lp) 4 times. ch 5. sc in next lp, ch 5, sc in same lp, (ch 5, sc in next lp) 7 times. sl st in beg ch 5 ring. Fasten off.

Blocking: Prepare an appropriate size cardboard cone form for shap-ing the body of angel and a 1" cardboard tubę for shaping sleeves. Covcr both with plastic wrap. Insert deflated balloon in the head and blow up to fuli size of head. Thoroughly saturate dry pieces of angel in stiffening solu-tion and press out excess bet paper towels. Stretch and smooth body over prepared form pinning through each lp of last Rnd. Smooth sleeves over prepared tubę and pin through Ips. Place wings and halo on a plastic wrap covered pinning board and pin into shape keeping all Ips open. Allow to dry.

Finishing: Punture and remove balloon. Glue halo in place at back of head. Glue sleeves and wings in


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