77039 jow07 05

77039 jow07 05


Dcn*t allou your bacie to bo atralght nhea ratalne or lowerln*#

Don*t /torgot to plac® your Paot uiu.or *omo objoct if you cannot kaop your foot oo tho floor othorwiao.

Don't hołd your braath. Koon tho air moYlng.

Sarolsa 2C,

Tou will not lila this ao woli at firafc aa It t»bi a llttlo tina to know how to 11« aoroaa tho ahair to ba cor.fortr.blo.

I would adria* you to plaoa yoor feat un‘or a buraau to bo pin wlth, and alt on tho ehalr «o that your buttoeka ara plac od a iittła paat tho chalr o onbor.

Lowor youraelf baekworda Ir.to tho poaitiem aa ahowr. In Peaitior. Ckio and graap tho balia, ona In oaoh band.

•roaj that poa' t-lor bopłc to rioo int© a alttlnp postura and owlng your arca oror In aa aro aa an ald to brlnglnc you up#

Do the aaaa aa adrlcod la your laat oxorcl«o,


Aa you arrlra In to tho "»lt upH atapa on tha cKair, oaa that tho balia ara loaored to your shouldora.

Tou ray flal tho Iwrarlnp sta«^ baok to Poaltlcn Ota tho nrat atrnnuou* part ot thi o ezorcloo, but laop. your ohin aa cłoaa to your ohast aa you cac, and your .cek wali reundod and you will carry out tha Aill ftir.ctlon af thle «xtr«nal/ i;ood aoctrolaa*

Tho baauty ot thla ezorolao la that lt ooapala Aill saiacla attona ion aa woli aa fuli sitclo oontraotlon, and eatohoa ALL tho susclot ot your abdocwn*

gro u. tho out aa you rnine and In aa you lawar.

Prac tlee thla soromont liz tinor, and arory thlrd ni^kt Inaroaaa ono raenro-nact untll tha ccunt of twolvo la roaohad*

Thla ozorolia, aa woli aa tha laat, will not anabla you to handla a great daal af wslfht, ao uaa your Judgaant*

C0*'T3 TO A70IU.

Dor't alt teo olooo tc* tho r.oar oógo ot th« ołialr*

Don»t for jot to 8RBBP tho halit up at you ralao. flot aot\on.^

Don*t forjrot bo lewar youraalf aiowly and laop your baok ilOCHD.

Ęacorclaa 27,

Tho followlng ozorolaa la a anapoy ona. Tha typ© that you Uk» wary nuch. Ida fiat on your baok »lth your im atretebod fut bohlnd your be ad.



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