Ask Me Everything#7

Ask Me Everything#7

Blasts from the past

59 BCE

Julius Caesar starts the first newspaper, Acta Diurna (Daily Acts)

1048 ce

Bi Sheng creates moveable type on porcelain tablets in China


German Johannes Gutenburg invents the printing press


First magazine published by Swiss painter Josse Amman, showing women’s fashions


Around 5,000 New York newspaper boys strike against poor pay; they are led by 13-year-old, Kid Blink (nicknamed because he was blind in one eye)


During Great Britain’s General Strike, BBC radio broadcasts five news bulletins a day as there are no newspapers published


Theorist Marshall McLuhan uses the word “global village” to describe the worldwide effect of television news reporting


One of the first live worldwide satellite TV broadcasts was on October 1, 1976; it was a boxing match called the “Thrilla in Manila” between Muhammad Ali and Smokin' Joe Frazier



Any information or event that is current and important is news. For something to make the news headlines, it must have an impact, good or bad, on many people. Newsworthy items are often events that are out of the ordinary, from celebrity scandals to natural disasters.


The news is broadcast for the first time on the Internet by America’s ABC network.

U~SU Online/lnternet C Delivered to your phone



Four ąuicker ways of getting the story

In breaking news. . .

Seven of the world’s bestselling newspapers are Japanese.

Five old ways of spreading the news

■    Send a messenger

■    Smoke and light signals

■    Town crier

■    Carrier pigeon

■    Morse codę and the electric telegraph

Media censorship is when published materiał is carefully monitored and controlled for morał, political, or religious [reasons. Materiał that is highly | offensive, hateful, or dangerous

is removed. Censorship laws differ around the worłd.


What about me?

Freedom of sPee^ of Humań Rigms.


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