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*ł^ W"1 2wf ftir> Ttonuto. »•» emaili IftMBd ‘ -^Tni

<fo II dr    i >-fwi ihrw^w wryli2 nf <itMI (jwrt»> .md łf^ynMn1 ||^

<mrme m 1rf«MMR«f Ar Mi AilHufc pihtA «lrr«t» —nul‘n | f1 1br 1“"' 2 "1 ^ r1‘“‘“Tr 1r iftr I—o I    ■■ funtoit imm.

“ta 2 1h« mm» 1k1 kr Mradr rbf^r m a vm»tg mm to UM7 and §&&2.

ktonr tow tadtoi a ton M 4 jodami radto to dtowr 1 «1untrłr1. h m wn immMui w» (nHn« to «r|a m litr >r«nti M wwrkrta M (nd otof dMiwstor •d^NtudfntonMto^ «Mr kr ton Mak Ute oppurnaitop af M«to| MMpmtoM fooęB1 toki antoto (kr mm rwa ta tor toto ta itor •prał tomtontoto. kto appawmdt atol mm hw% awt ta hH warta).

tomki i mmmm toto CkntoMn w poftottatay toirtotoi t» tor pto top ^ tonrM atraata tator to Mm ikroofk tomr brlongtng to IM Mwir LrepaMa aMd kr Map prthnfto kar tomrff jm tptirrd the <Hte »hk h M totomM to ptonord to Koor ta MU. Ił to łrnto toto włirn. ta Ikrntorr IW7. kr mm Utai kr ikr artoM ta AmMrnftaiM, kr l1mgfu to Into tarr m tato ot kto paowtng1. and war naw wnt mon afkrr ta Ra nrnrr kun Hotakl dtainkrr Cratono kumki (Mor (Mintłngs front Mar1 toto to a rrndi ta kto lwi (rtyw ta ftnkmf"1

Vtnata. nto arr dMrd l«#»1 and v»mr ihr folkming vnr, indu1 dtog tar W<h gmiomś Ot (oinikl (łnwtn hanging front a hook om a wd. «mr ot tar nur akkn kr tar arttot The othm arr typlcal irpmm1 utkw1 ta wtarninwi Mr, otok rarr ptab. wdd wlnuk, mprao and buf-wrfkr1 tthm mrwr (kr tata ta a cnrr.

Hm (tawt (tnid mm carapr tar torliudoa ta thr mo$i intrmado1 •ud. and tatomalkmata (aaoM. MftWr painicr ta thr Netheriands, Jan llwtaf dr Hrm. »kaM kr kto to 1'trcrłu rfttrrng hto arrond expedi(ion (u Holland TIm prtnnr nun1 hm hrm rapthKrd br ihr colourful and (irfW< prrtoMWkn ta tar nłtfrrrfi to (tir Rantotfr dgnrd by tac arttoc ał-liimigh łarktog tar wpitraf ptrlton ta łatrr paimings chararirrtuir ta the artłat1 «Mr. tato omdi rana Mammartws i?t a rntniiwd war all thr rrflnr1 mnu ta dr Hmt piteflm (flg i), Thto to rtfB morr crkfent in thr verv hr.uiulul garland ta Aamn and finto artarhrd by two biur rtbbon1 to etthrr Odr ta a marbir nkbr. włur h to an unurual mnttf In thr artist’1 oniwt" ,

b 4. Un Dav1dsz dc Hccm, Banketjc, Flimw. Gallcńa Pabmu. Im ] **»> r

Coslmos evident preference for the so-caHed Ftinmałtr - fimnu u bis collection of paintings, mainly on copper, by Frans van Mieris the EJ* der - while ignoring the most “classic” Dutch production of paintm ul the wmachfomatic tendmcy, encouraged him to buv wotis bv artists influen-ted by de Hecin, such as Abraham Mignon. Maria van Oostewck. vaa Aclsi or Esias van den Broeck. Among the artists specialised in the pain-tmg of interiors he chose those of Comelis Bega. whose refined and deb-ralc works also eon tai n figures and stilHifes.

Whcn he h;ad to choosć a Yanitas, strangeły enough t'osin to did not tum to the paintings most famous in that grnre. but bought a couple ot smal) colonrful paintings forming a pendant, sigrted by the almost ample* rch unknown “Frans van Daellen"13.

But OwitnoA collections, as well as those of his ekiest son Ferdinan-do, wcrc further enrirhed by gifts of paintings front his sotMtt-law. the Bector Palatine of Dusseldorf. This explains the presence in Floretiee of paintings hy the gifted still-Ufe painter Rachel Ruw h. who was for a umt*

Ser abote. Nn 'Ułyao


On thr M.nurtokWik ato to (jotom Wk»to hak »<nw, «r M. Oilarłni. f<d1 to KHetr.Man. Bgmmtom (Ul 41 Matni rtfim <mJrtł/uto otle rriinttmi fimrntftui. (M:| a l!fjk> Qtuntw Md d m fidto ta. f. kiwrto. C Region fed, Fhimtrr IMS, pp. SMł-3SV dna. (otom BI r h Mmmmm Id mdr d fmmtf^m <1670-17111, (fet:) Im Galltria Polarna toMMdif QHtawwfmtamdrd/totoM1Aat ta. ML Hioco, Ftrmcr KRI pp. 9041 ®C.J Hoogeurilf, IXt Tmmr Urnom tam Cmtmt4r' AMm dam 4t SrdnlanĄtn.... Wnini Hioorfedt Octwordup. III 41. Ilif. uliUńkW. Gdut... Nn 43 121 151. 4S 131/135, 43.13?. c 43,141/142.


* Ser. la natura motta a polana t w tato. u. M.


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