


oontains all recorded archaeological foalures. Out of the previous, mostly unstratlfied (ind* from HradiitO by Stradonice, only the brooches, as chronologically sfgniflcant objects, have baon taken into account. Almost 700 of tham from the collections of the National museum in Prague have been evaluated and exhibited to the pubtfc by J. Bfeń (1964, 1973a). The finał evaluatlon of the results based on the recent excavations al the oppida therefore contalns knowfedge also gained by precedlng generations of scholara.

The methodology of the 1981 rescue excavation, which was carried out on account ot bullding worka connected with the construction of a gas pipeline for Glass works „Bohemia" at Niżbor, was influenced by both a lack of time and labour. Prospection and documentatlon of all archaeological features in the 1,120 metra long gas trench had to be completed within a ten week period, at the and of which the trench was to be coyered. The work was directed by speciabsts from the team of Zńviat under the guidance of the authors, and in association with V. Ćtverśk, M. Slavlkov& and others. The geodesic survey was drawn up by A Majer1. The whole trench was dh/ided into four parts (Appendix 1). Part I, leading SE-NW from the foot ot the slope across the edge of the neck of the fortification (sile „Vysokś mez") as far as the modern road pass mg through the central area of the oppidum, was 220 m long. Part II, broken almost in the right angle, led in a SW-NE direction through the eastem boundary of the central endosure, and was 370 m long. Part III was linked to the fortification linę dividing the two main parts of the oppidum, and led across the bailey to the E with a length of 430 m. At its end łt cut the fortification Hne. Part IV, 100 m in length. led across the eastem slope below the fortification of the bailey and ended at the foothill where the foundations of a compressor station had been built. The gas trench was recorded on a 1:5000 State map, section: Beroun 9-4. Detailed plans of all trenches with identified features were elaborated at a scalę of 1:100, sections of features as well as long complexes of strata, in certain parts cutting the defences and roads, being elaborated at a scalę of 1:20. After the basie documentation had been completed, all structures were sampled and examined in order to identify to which cultural phase they belonged and to examine their original functions. In the case of better preserved features, traces of structures were uncovered in the trench sections, and so at least parts of their ground plans could be revealed. The selected methodology for the rescue excavation was deliberately directed towards the recording of ail features damaged by the trench. We also tried to obtain as much basie stratigraphic evidence as possible. The methodology was based on the fact that the nearest vidnity to the gas trench was not and could not be exposed to further damage. Geodesic survey of all the features enabled the exact determination of their precise location, also permitting the possibility for futurę excavab'ons to continue at any particular location.

The significance of results obtained during the rescue excavation, above all the accurate Identification of the course of the defence lines, in parts cut through by the gas trench, brought about another urgent task. II became necessary to record the area of the oppidum together with a plan of all artificial features on a contour map (Appendix 1). This task was carried out by A. Majer, being preceded by detailed field reconnaissance, undertaken by him and the authors in 1982. In the same year, an excavation within the area of the main entrance on the SE side of the oppidum became a joint project of the specialists from the Zóvist team. They succeeded in proving the existence of two gates, A1, A2, situated one after the other. The whole entrance part was then surveyed in detail (Fig. 8). In order to complete the evidence on the density and dimensions of occupation in the NE vicinity of the main communication linę, identified in Part I of the gas trench, geophysical prospection together with phosphate analysis was carried out in the spring of 1982 by A. Majer.2

During the ensuing years the entire area of the Stradonice oppidum came under the continual supervision of the workers of the Archaeological Institute at Prague, in cooperation with the District museum of Beroun. As a result, in 1983 a minor rescue excavatkm was performed on the NW slope under the acropolis. Ditches for the anchoring of a ski-tow, sunk into a location above the edge of the N part of the central fortification, damaged seyeral settlement features dating to the Late La T6ne period. Other unlawful buffding activities in 1984, by the fortification of the bailey (Appendix 1), led to the Identification of comparatively denser occupation along the route behind the rampart („chemin de service“).

Basic data concerning all structures recorded at HradiśtS by Stradonice between the years 1981-1984 are recorded in catalogue form, being ordered according to indhridual seasons. These represent the finał part of this study. Indhridual chapters of this study deal with the most significant results of these field seasons and are thematically composed. The first chapters are concerned with the sile topography (I) and its fortification (II), as well as the investigation of communication lines and traces of occupation (III). Stratigraphic evidence forms the subject of a 6eparate chapter (IV). The dispersion of settlement features becomes the basls for an outline of building developments (V). Chapter VI deals with the finds and their releuant Information. The finał chapter (VII) is focused on problems connected with the settlement chronology and construction of its defences.

I. Site topography

1. Main features of the site in the landscape

In the hitherto known nelwork ot Cettic oppida within the territory of Bohemie, prevfously identified by archaeological research, Hradiśte by Stradonice represents the westemmost as well as the northernmost fortified base In the power sphere of the Celta occupying Central Bohemia. It Ib situated almost at the intersection point of the 50th para)lei and 14th meridian, being situated directly 29 km to the west of the neareet oppidum of Z6vist on the south side of the Prague basin.

The choice of location for foundation of an oppidum within the area of the Krh/oklśt Highlands, on the Southern slope of the Berounka yalley, was without doubt influenced by a number of economic, admtnistraliye and strategie factors. From the economic view-point, this was undoubtedly influenced by the occurrence of yaluabłe sources of raw materiale in ciose yidnity to the site to the south and SW, in the so-cailed Hudlice Heights and the Brdatky (Hromśdka 1966,696). In this particular case, of extraordinary stgnificance are the numerous natura) resources of iron ores which were suitable for smelting {Plei ner 1958, 52, map I; Tutek 1968,272). The presence of iron working has already been proven by the Late La Tene bloomery furnaces found in the NE foreground of the oppidum (Motykovó-śneidrovś 1962,140-141,150-151). Further evidence of iron working is represented by the presence of heavy iron slag, discoyered in 1981 beneath the NW slope of the oppidum by the Habrovsky brook. Bes.de iron ores there also existed sites of vermillion-cinabarit both In close and distant proximity (e.g. Svatś Hora, KruśnShora, Dśdova hora) to iron ore deposits (Tutek 1968, 272). Cinnabar, also cafled minium, represented a highly esteemed raw materiał in the andent wortd being used for various purposes although pomarły as a red dye (Kroll 1932, 1949-1950). Expk)itation of locaJ occumng deposits in the Late La Tene period has not yet been proven by archaeologists, although it is highly probable that it would have been exploited as the Cefts were most effident in their prospection techniques.

Another basie economic factor was the favourable position of the site by an important river, representing a connection between the regions of western and central Bohemia. The river Berounka could, for a substantial part of its stream, have served a! that time as an important component of the communication network. It perhaps is worth pointing out that the average width of the navigable part of the mer was around 70 m, with a depth of 1 -1.2 m and a stream speed of 0.7 m/sec., according to the calculations of Pech in 1893 (Pech 1893,84). This major river formed an important component within the enwonment of the microregion offering numerous opportunities for resource exploitation and therefore representing one of the main factors for the favourable deyelopment of iocal settlement actiytbes. It is evident that the economic and communication aspects of the river were to a certain extent pre-conditioned by easily accessfole mer banks as well as by the presence of suitable and safe land Ing areas adjacent to the protected site. The terrain between the northern and NE foothils of the Stradonice oppidum and the Berounka fuffHfed both these precondMons perfectly.

Site location was probably also influenced by certain administraturę claims, as well as those of transport and trade, in order to keep suitable mutual distances between indhriduaJ fortified centres. On the one hand, their distance presumably depended on the extent of the area which was controfled directly 86 a necessary broader hinterland by neighbouring oppida. although, on the other hand, there was a tendency to keep such distances such that they could be ridden over in one day (cf. Motykov6 - Drda - Rybov6 I978b, 288-290). In the case of the Stradonice oppidum, the distance to the confluence of the Berounka and Vltava men, i.e. to the nearest oppidum of Zóvist, represents 40 km downstream.

In addition to the aforementioned economic and administraturę factors, a further factor for the choree of location within the landscape was represented by młitary conslderations, i.e. aspirations to secure the site and a comparativefy large area from any enemies. Primarily, an area with optimum natura! relief features had to be found the advantages of which could be completed or fully emphasised by the adopted defence system. In connection with such defensńre and organisabonai aspects, there was a problem of obtaining a suffident supply of quarry stone for the construction of the front waiis of ramparts. This problem could also be satisfactorily sohred at the site and in its dosest wdnity, sińce nearby there were available deposits of rocka which could be utłised as buiidtng materiał3.

FinaBy, taking into account all aspects of the landscape situated on the right bank of the mer Berounka, i.e. within a 20 km stretch of the river between its confluence with the litavka and the northemmo6t mer band


2. We would uk| to particulariy express our thanks to Dr. V. Styarśk lor his dedication to related fieldwork, A. Majer lor his precise geodesic turvey, and J. Bernat for the oompletion of IIIUBtraKons


Archive - Instttute ot Archasotogy. Prague, lind report no. 86/83.


Geological raport by Or. J Kovanda; ancfwe - InstrMe of Ąrcheeotogir, Prague. no S41361,6.18


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