screenshot 23

screenshot 23

Overviev/ Global Settings Help FAQ

1Y SEO Ultimate Plugin Settings

Global Settings Import Export Reset Upgrade Downgrade Reinst.

Downgrading is provided as a convenience only and is not officially supported. Although unlikely, you may lose d3ta in the downgrading process. It is your responsibility to backup vour database before proceeding.

From the list below, select the version to which you would like to downgrade. Then click the "Downgrade" button at the bottom of the screen.

o Version 6.3 (June 27, 2011) — Your Current Version

•    Feature: Canonicalizer can now send Google's newly-supported Link: <url>; rel=”canonical" HTTP headers

0 Version 6.2 (June 24, 2011)

•    Feature: Added a "Siło Linking" modę to Deeplink Juggernaut that lets you confine autolinks to posts of the same category (or tag/term)

0 Version 6.1 (June 23, 2011)

•    Feature: Added an option to insert the rel="nofollo*T attribute into all masked links

•    Bugfix: Fixed bug that caused some link masks to disappear when the post was saved

•    Bugfix: Fixed an issue with masking links with ampersands


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