22038 TME 0

22038 TME 0

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/ Earth Lord

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/ Ecstasy

FIRST APPEARANCE Thor *395 <S«p<#mb#r 198*;


BASE N#w York Cłly HEIGHT » Bracki 6 ?t 1 «n; (** Earth Lord)

12 ft 2 n to unknown kmił WEIGHT as Brock) 194 Ibs; (a* Ejyth

Lord) vao#s EYES Brown HAIR Brown

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Oraws strangth and itum trom the

Earth. Can tncr##*# h* sera and strongth to suparttuman ^v«ts

FIRST APPEARANCE Strang# Tal«s *112 (Octoto#r 1963) REALNAME L «opołd Stryk# OCCUPATION Cnmmal BASE N«W Stork Cłty HEIGHT 5 ft 10 m WEIGHT 192** EYES Brown HAIR Brown

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Th# E«ł* COStum# ccnt»«* d#vK«s that g#n#r*t« and «hoo» #l#ctncal charge* aiso oootans !ay#r o1 rwarty fnctioołe## gyothebc fabne.

FIRST APPEARANCE Doctor Strang# Vol 1 *74 JDecember 1965) REALNAME Ron#e D«ladt«r

OCCUPATION Drugkmgpr. BASE Marw*#ea. France HEIGHT 5 n 9 m WEIGHT 130 fcs EYES Gr«#n HAIR 8iond# SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Formerty possessed the abftly to project s4KTB-so*d tantacłes of darkness. or to abaorb be*ngs mto the Oarklorc# d«m#n»on

Leopold Stryke was the curator of an aquarium who turned to crimc as the bel. After being dcfcatcd by Johnny Storni, the HUMAK Tokch, the Eel worked as | henchman tor Mister Fear and for Cou\T Nefaria. Latcr. Stryke joined his brother Jordan, the VlPER, in the Serpent $quad. Finally. the Eel was murdered by another criininal, the Gi amator. Edward Lavell becaine a sccond Eel, gaining noconety by batthng the team of Power ■ Man and Iron lisi. ps

Ecstósy. who can wam tandrte 0f Darkłcrco aoorjy. provt*s moro than a masch Jor tho aght jHnwatng lwx» Oai^er.

Shot in the linc of duty. Officer Brock was rushed to hospital, the same hospital w herc the god Hogun (sec Gem or Asgard) was staying. I Ic and iwo other dying patients attracted the attemion of Seth, god ofdcath (sec Gons oi I h i jOi*oi is). w ho claimcd chat Hogun was a threat 10 the Earth. Seth brandcd their leli palms with the sign of Aton, the dise ofthe sun, and gave them superhuman powers.

Błock and his teammates learned chat Seth was the real menace and lielpedTuoR defeat him. Brock returned to the policc lorce, but bccomes Earth Lord włien neiessary TD

Renec Deladier, who headcd up a Frencli cartel distributing the drug ccstasy, adopted the drugs name as her alias.The vigilame CioAK tried to puntsh her by absorbing her into the Darkforce dimension, but instead the sentience inhabiting the Darkforce sclccted Ecstasy to be its new agent, and absorbed ( loak instead, transferring his powers to Ecstasy.

Doctor Siram.f came to Cloaks assistance,and with the help ot" the Eye of Agamotto, Cloak was able to defeat Ecstasy and regain lns powers. DW




Cnmtnal, gciertist BASE

New Ybrk City

HEIGHT 5ft7in WEIGHT 210 Ibs EYES Bkw HAIR Nonę


Tales to Astomsh #38 (Docomber 1962)

Eoflhoad craated rnacNnes to eneble cotrmjocobrm w* ant*, powerfii robota, and nrsnd ccntrołny progthełic Imb*. prerio todekifiont Of gnm&ur and obaemed with ciectroymg rłw# Horny Pym

•or Egghead as


Mc łr,<t***l by ha hatrod 0ł Hony Fyn Eygfi«niJ wae rnęnĄ to cro&lo a to c«nimur»case wKh antt.

1" V

A bnlliant seiemist, Elihas Starr he was known because of his unusiully-shaped head—lackcd a conscience and was pronc to boredom. Sec king extra esdteniem. Egghead ha* been working for the US govermnem when he was sackcd for stealing and sclling sccrcts.

Corning to the attention of the New York mobs. Egghead was contr,teted to :d them ofthe original Ant-Man. otherwisc knov n as I lenry Pym. In the vears that followed. the pair were to bccomc arch eneimes F.ggheads strenuous elfoits to destun'Ant-Man involved a rangę of intriguing deviccs:hc built a machinę to communicate with ant.s and pcmiadcd them to turn against Pym, and on another occasion. he developed a biome arm designed to control the thoughts of Pyms nieoe.

Although he often appeared fairly harmless. during his criminal c.ireer Fgghead has been responsible tor the dcstruction of an entire Mul-western town.an mcidem tli.it broughr hnn

into direet conflict with the Ayi.nc.i rs team of Super I Icrocs. As time went on. Egghead s schemes bccamc ends in theimelvcs: the morę eomple\ and convolutcd they were. the happier he seemed to be. I lad il not been for a gun cxpłoding in his face, Egghead s schemings would probably havc condnued. Instead. the accident brought to an end both lns lite and his latest attempt to savage Henry Pyms reputation. AD



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