45031 TME7

45031 TME7



FIRST APPEARANCE CapUwi Marvei Vol 1 #27 (Juty 1973) REAL NAME Not appfccab*

OCCUPATION Embodws pnoopte o* mortaMy BASE Mobte HEIGHT Vanes WEIGHT Vanes EYES Van*s HAIR Var*s SPECIAL POWERS/ABILlTiES OfKn appoars as a cowłed •***9lon. bul haa adopted vanous mai* and tomata guisas. an <«jh-mar)tp<Aa»or, extert ot other powars renx*ns unknown.



FIRST APPEARANCE Ma Marvol #9 (S«ptomb«r 1977)

REAL NAME Calayee Nwamar- OOCUPATION Adv«nturer BASE SN'ar Empa#    HEIGHT 5 ft 8 r WEIGHT 180 Ibs EYES

Whtta HAIR Nonę. black. purpło and błue feathera SPECIAL POWERS/ABILlTiES FWght {18 ft wmg*p*V>; va»1 stfongth and atamma. razor-sharp taions: wnst-bend* contam telescopłc ,avehna. has )avatins that emit gas or ełectnc charges



FIRST APPEARANCE Aveng«rs #363 {Jona 1993}

REAL NAME Oeathcry

OCCUPATION VVarrKX BASE The Shiar Emptra HEIGHT 6 ft 2 tt WEIGHT 196 Ibs EYES WMo HAIR Pu<ple SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Oeathcry posseeses sopar-acuto sensas, suparhwnan roflaxas and naturaJ ciaws which she can usa as weepons

Jusr as the abstract bcing Hiernhy represents life.so Dcach is said to symbolisc mortality. the pair ser\ ing to provide cosinie balance.

Although they have bcen embarked on games of one-upmanship I X*ath once atteinptcd to manipulatcTiMNOS into desrroying the univcrso) in large pan I >cath works in partnership with Eternity to m.nntain univcrsal cquilibrium. Whcn Ai\x aiyi*sf established his Four Horscmen. he reeruited a mmiber ot pcople to bc Dcath. Wolwrine (piiturcd ![flirt was the third individual to liii this role. AD

Deathbird was born a mutant into the ruling housc of the Sili’AR: her / fuli set of wings were a throwback to her people*s as ian aneestry.

Her younger sister, Lilamlra. aided by the X-Mfn, assumed the Shi’;tr thronc before her, and Deathbird lauiu hed several eoups in her cfibrts to betonie Majestrix. She evcntually won the thronc, but lier rule was short-lived. During the Shi’ar war against the alien Phalanx. )eathbird struek up a short-lived romance with the X-Man Bishop. Deathbird served as War, one of Ar<x aiypsf s Horscmen. AD

l‘he young warrior known only as Deathcry was dispatehed to the Asengers* side by Lilandra. hmpress of the Sm* ar, w ho feared reprisals by the Kr Li race against the Awngers for the role they had played in tlie Kree-Shi‘ar War, in which the Shi*ar einerged \ ictorious. Stripped of her true nanie due to tlus assignnient. Deathcry journcyed to Farth. w here she becamc an honorary ineniber of the Avengers. aulmg the group ni łending ofTa Kry att.K k. and against otlier threats.

Leentnally, feeling that her mission had eonie to an end. Deathcry asked her teannnate I Ii kcules to return her to the Shi’ar Empire. TB


Luther Manning was born m .id .ilrern.ne tunehne in whith KlUtiłctnational torpont.o s u.v.l t >p*.i i’. :;.v to rid thcEarth of ali Super I lenn- A coloiicl :n Mn:

Worki s US Al iny. Man:.;:.o. is    i. i u: f.i:rA

and bter transtbrnied imo the . •. i^i.:

Deathlok bybrothers Hulm i: .: > i >

Ryker. Akhough t!: e\ 111: e i n U .i :. comrol Jam, Death Nd, nuiuged to break free. Wr' • !i. help ofCJodw ttlf. I >eathlok

w|* ttemported to I- u th

616. wherc Oj>eutK>n

Punie had wt to tako *

place. Wrwkmg with

( Ał*TAł!N AmfRU A,

1    . e .stl-lh prcvcnttiu the program Itoni

• n: n .i out.

. n on, e.munK‘r of other Deathk>ks haw ik i. v. uli Mn hael ("ollins and Sicge flohn i :n.’ bum donors Although the

• ' u !, rk |,..s ti.weled to nuiiKtOW ceahtic*..

• 'i": -: :.l--| )\ki i>i vh fora time.hii life

' i loneh one AD

*'•* Minnrifl * not

Cybnmetic bram dfUtroJy parta ooabte . !


ondurnfY:* and om; DwUNoks




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