

-Bleeding Procedurę-

A. To bleed air out of a master cylinder equipped

with fast-fill mechanism.

1.    Fili resen/oir with recommended brake fluid, and make surę it is kept fuli at all times while bleeding air out of system.

2.    Remove primary linę from master cylinder.

J.    (This is linę at rear, nearest vacuum


3.    Place a Container beneath master cylinder to avoid spillage of brake fluid.

4.    Depress brake pedał all the way down.

5.    Release pedał slowly.

6.    Wait five seconds.

7.    Repeat steps 4 through 6 until elear fluid comes out of primary cylinder.

8.    Replace primary linę and tighten.

9.    Depress brake pedał all the way down.

10.    Loosen primary linę at master cylinder to bleed remaining air out of line-junction.

11.    Tighten primary linę.

12.    Release pedał slowly.

13.    Wait five seconds.

14.    Repeat steps 9 through 13 until elear flgid comes out of primary line-junction.

15.    Now, bleed secondary borę of master cylinder by removing secondary linę and using same procedures outlined above. However, instead of waiting five seconds after pedał is released, wait 20 seconds or morę while bleeding secondary side. Do not pump pedał at any time while bleeding air out of secondary system.

16.    Bleed air out of lines and wheel cylinders or calipers according to following procedurę.

B. To bleed hydraulic lines and wheel cylinders/ calipers pressurized by secondary piston in master cylinder (right rear wheel cylinder and ieft front caliper):

1.    Top up resen/oir with recommended brake fluid.

2.    Connect a transparent vinyl tubę to air bleeder valve of wheel cylinder or caliper.


3.    Depress brake pedał all the way down. Do not pump pedał.

4.    Open bleeder valve to release air.

5.    Close bleeder valve.

6.    Release brake pedał slowly.

7.    Wait 20 seconds.

8.    Repeat steps 3 through 7 above until elear brake fluid comes out of air bleeder valve.

C. To bleed hydraulic lines and wheel cylinders/

calipers pressurized by primary piston in

master cylinder (Ieft rear wheel cylinder and

right front caliper):

1.    Top up resen/oir with recommended brake fluid.

2.    Connect a transparent vinyl tubę to air bleeder valve of wheel cylinder or caliper.

3.    Fully depress brake pedał several times.

4.    With brake pedał depressed, open bleeder valve to release air.

5.    Close bleeder valve.

6.    Repeat steps 3 through 5 above until elear brake fluid comes out of air bleeder valve.


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