(magic crochet)




Original design by M. Loisfdou

SIZE: 8 1/4" (width) X 8 3/4”. MATERIALS: Satin or similar mc-dium-weight fabric. piece 18 1/2" square, in old gold. Batting. piece 18 1/2x9 l/4inchcs. Flowered ribbon, garnet-red, 1 1/2" widc. 22 1/2" long. cut as follows: I piece 18 1/2". 1 piece 2 1/2”. 2 pieces 3/4" each. Veivct ribbon. gamei-red. 3/8" wide, piece 15" cui in iwo. Scwing thrcad. old gold (OG) and gamei-red ((»). One squarc and iwo semicircular appliquć motifs.

TO MAKE : lold salin piece in half (one half = lining. ihe oiher half “ front and back of carry-all), with right sides togcihcr, ihen place batting on top. With OG. machinc-stitch each

sidc edge through 3 thickncsscs, mak* ing 1/4" seani. Tum piece to right side. Basie 18 1/2" flowered ribbon 1" from and parallcl to folded edge and back* stitch to piece withG. Rcmovc basting. Now foid piece in half with right sides together. With OG. stitch sidc making 1/4" seam and bonom making 1/2" seam. Overcast bottom seam. Tum

carry-all to right side. łland-stitch appliquć motifs (sca CO ASTERS) and ribbon bits to carry-all front with matching thread. using photograph as a guide. Con/(make 2): Cul 5 thre;łds in

G and 6 threads in OG. each 64" long. Twist them together. then fold twisted cord in two (32") and twist again. Scw one end of each cord to lining on each sidc of carry-all, knot the other two ends.

(old fabric over batting







•8 1/4“ -— 9 1/4


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