27 (310)

27 (310)


Continued from Page 11

6 ds,    5 p sep    by    2    ds. 6 ds. sr 6 ds. j to    last    p of Ir,

6 ds,    cl, sr 6    ds.    p, 6 ds. cl. ch 6 ds, 5 p    sep    by    2 ds,

6 ds. Ir 5 ds, j to p of sr, 2 ds, 10 p sep by 2 ds. 5 ds. cl. ch 6 ds. 5 p sep by 2 ds. 6 ds. sr 6 ds. j to last p of Ir.    6 ds. cl,    sr    6    ds. p. 6 ds, cl, ch 6 ds.    5 p    sep by 2

ds, 6    ds. Ir 5    ds,    j    to p of sr, 2 ds. 4 p sep by 2    ds. 2

ds, j to center p of next ch, 2 ds, 5 p sep by 2 ds, 5 ds. d. ch 6 ds. 5 p sep by 2 ds, 6 ds. Repeat r and ch across short rows bctwcen the mcdallions and around end medal -lion.

2nd row: R 3 ds. 3 p sep by 3 ds. 3 ds. cl, ch 6 ds. r 3 ds, 3 p sep by 3 ds. 3 ds, cl, ch 6 ds, r 3 ds, j to last p of first r. 3 ds, j to center p of ch of last row. 3 ds. p. 3 ds. cl. • ch 6 ds. r 3 ds. j to last p of opposite r. 3 ds. 2 p sep by 3 ds. 3 ds, cl. ch 6 ds. r 3 ds. j to last p of opposite r. 3 ds. 2 p sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl, ch 6 ds. r 3 ds. j to p of opposite r. 3 ds. 2 p sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl. ch 6 ds. r 3 ds. j to p of opposite r, 3 ds, j to center p of next ch of last row, 3 ds. p, 3 ds. cl. Repeat from • around. Tie and cut.

3rd row: Make likc third row of medallion, j center p of ch to p of r of last row, sk 3 r of sccond row be-tween cach ch at lower edge.

4th row: Sr 6    ds. p.    6 ds, cl,    * Ir 5 ds, 4 p    sep by 5

ds, 5 ds. cl, ch    5 ds,    3 p sep    by 5 ds, 5 ds.    sr 6 ds.

j to sccond p of    Ir, 6    ds. cl, Ir    5 ds. p. 5 ds, j    to center

p of ch of last    row, 5 ds. 2 p    sep by 5 ds. 5    ds. cl, ch

5 ds. 3 p sep by 5 ds, 5 ds, sr 6 ds. j to second p of last Ir, 6 ds. cl. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut.

5th row: Repeat third row of medallion. j by center p of ch. as in illustration.


Make a medallion as for oval doiły Make the fourth row of this likc the third row of the dircctions, j the points of the flowers together, as in illustration.


Continued from Page 18

ch 5 ds. p. 2 ds. j to center p of next r of last row. 2 ds. p. 5 ds. Repeat from * around, working cach corner same as first corner. Tie and cut.

8th row:    Repeat the fifth row. omitting the four r in

corners and making a ch same as the other ch. Tie and cut. 9th row:    Make smali motifs like center motifs. Join to

last row by j center p of first r to third p of ch. and center p of next r to first p of ncxt ch. Join motifs together same as for center. Tie and cut.

lOth row:    Make another row of motifs. Join as in cen


llth row: • R 5 ds. j to third p of r of motif. 5 ds. j to first p of next r of same motif. 5 ds. cl. tum. ch 3 ds. 9 p sep by 2 ds. 3 ds. tum. Repeat from * around. making 12 p in the ch at cach corner instead of 9 p.


Make the center, first. sccond, third. fourth. fifth, ninth and eleventh rows like large doiły.


Make the center and first, sccond and third rows as in large doiły.


Make 2 rows of motifs with 2 motifs cach. Make first. second and third rows as in large doiły.



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