31 (35)

31 (35)



Special &bbrevi3!ion3 Bobbls - work 3dc into next sl umil 1 locp or each icrnain.3 on Kock. yo ano Ihróugh nil 4 Icods en liock.

Picol = rnaks 3cll. al st into tirst of theso Ch.

151 roimd: Make 2ch. work 12sc inro firsi ci". s! st ln [o firsi sc.

2nd round: 3ch (counras Ido), akio l.rst sc. lec i oto :vaxi sc,3cli. [Idomtoeaeh of ne*t 2'ic. 3ch; 5 limes. s Si Into 3rd of 3ch a: be$ cl 'ounri.

3rd round: Sl a* Ir,to nart dc and 3ch sp 3ch (cour.t as 1 dc), imo samo 3ch ap work [2ac umil 1 icop or eadi remains on hook. yoand thronnli all 3 'oops on hook (hobble marle a! tao of rouudl. 3ch, ■ betele], ~ch. •'-itc "Cxi3c‘sp work; I betele, 3ch. 1 bohhlcj, 7 ch; r-p Iron *4 times rr.ore. Sl at imo top o: first hotele.

4th round: Work 2 s! SIS into firsi 3ch arch. Ich. tsc into same aro1:. 'into nexl 7ch arch work [6dc. i pico:, fidc), 1sc rnio nexl 3charch; rep from * 5 limes mera Crnittino śc a! end of :asl rop. sl st inlo lirst so. Fasten off.

[p = Bobble £$>= PICO!

Work as glven for 111.21 but worfóęg lat anc ?:vj rour.ds in A. 3rd round ir. B and 4lh round in C.


łJcte: Rus motif is werired as a ccc tinucc-s spiral, rhe stee car. rherdore ba increaaec ordocreasad as required.

tst round: Make 2ch. vaxK Gsc into 2nd ch from hcok. sl s: into lirst sc.

Continua in a spiral as foliowa:

Ich. werk Isc into Sa-ne sl as last sl st, 3Ch. :isc into ne.rt sc, IjchJ 5 :iraes, [>sc into rtert sc. 1 sc Into nexl sp, 3o!i] G tirr.es, [skip tsc. Isc in:o nox: so, 2sc Into nex: śp, 3di] 6 times, (stóp Isc, tsc intoeach cf next 2 SC, 2so rnlc ooxt sp. 4cn| 6 limes, (Skip Isc. tsc into each ol rtBrt 3sc, 2s= into nert 4ch sp. 4ch] 6 lirr.es. [skip 1sc. 'SC into each ol next esc, 2sc into ncx! 4cr. sp, 5di; 6 times, [skip isc, Isc into each ol nexr 5sc, 2sc in:o nert Gch sp, 5chj £ times. [skip 130. ‘sc into Oach of noxt Gac, 2$C into cert 5ch sp. 6ch; 6 times. [stóp i ac. 1 sc into each ol r;ex: 7se. ?sc into nert Gch sp. eichj G times, [stóp 1sc. tsc inlo each or nex: Src. 2śc ~.to nex: 60h sp. 7cfi| 6 limes, skip 1sc. sl st iilto rexi sc. Fasien off.

Make 2ch, sl s: into first di :o Icrm a nno tai round: Ich. work -Gso into ring. sl ■ • into f;rsi sc.

2nd round: 4ch foount as Itr), work 2ir into firsi sc. 3t' into nex!sc. Boh, [skip 2sc 3tr into esc". ol noxt 2ac. $chj 3 times. sl Into 4:h of ech st beg of rcurd.

3rd round: Ich, lac inro same st as Ifl: sl at. '[1 hdo. 1 dej into next :r. 2lr lolo eacr o:nsrt2tr,['dc. ihdc] into nsrtlr. łacin*: H6xt tr, Isc into each of next 2ch, 3sc irtc nexlch, Isc into each cfncxl2ch tsc im: nert tr: rop from * 3 limes moro omihin: 1SC at enri oJ 'as: rep, sl Sl -.te firsi Fasie n off.

APłirtwiaiions and ftymbtfs cn p. i-


Podobne podstrony:
29 (33) III.29 SpedalAbbreviations Bobble - work 3de inio nex: st un{l
schema 18,20,13 16,21,22,24 23 29 25,2627 28 32 35,31,53,59,38,54 30,35 39,41.42,36,40, S2,34 37.43
ENTLICZEK PENTLICZEK PIOSENKI I ZABAWYCZ 1 okładka Aranżacje piosenek: Fryderyk Babiński 1, 8, 21,
C360 13 01 29 21 18 24 1 /.",.! iii “
DAMA W SWETRZE 2 06 (21) zakończyć (31) 35 (39) pozostałych o.Model 11Pomarańczowy sweter Rozmiar: (
DAMA W SWETRZE 2 06 (21) zakończyć (31) 35 (39) pozostałych o.Model 11Pomarańczowy sweter Rozmiar: (
) ECDL 18. 19. 20. 21. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 29. 30. 31. 32. Bezpośrednio za slajdem 4
ptaki III (21) Siwerniak Anthus spinoletbr siwarnik, A Długość cioto 17 cm, rozpiętość skrzydeł 28 c
ferryt FERRYT X50 X100 1 25 1 22 II 21 II 24 III 23 III 25 IV 28 IV 27 V 25 V 28 VI 24 V
ORTOGRAFIA KL1 4 ZESZYT 2 Ó U (68) * przewrócił 31 przód 8, 12 przygód 18, 19, 34, 35 przyjaciółki 2
DSC04694 DO ROZDZIAŁU III 3.21. 5—1.    3.22. 5=1.    3.23. Rozbi
III. 21. AGNIESZKA. 181 bebant fratrem suum er, alia matre ortum, natugue maiorem dacem Ladislaum, n
182 AGNIESZKA. III. 21. tis gradu na oznaczenie stosunku pokrewieństwa między Romanem a Leszkiem był

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