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3 : Ectoparasitic skin diseases

Figurę 3:1: Erythema and crusting on the face and pinnae of a kitten with notoedric mange (courtesy ofO. Cozette)

Figurę 3:2: Same cat as in figurę 3:1: alopecia and erythema around the elbow (courtesy ofO. Cozette)

Figurę 3:3: Thick crusts on the face and pinnae of a cat with notoedric mange (courtesy ofJ.P. Pa ges)

Figurę 3:4: Interdigital crusting in a cat with notoedric mange (courtesy ofB. Hubert) 1

Figurę 3:5: Erythemato-ceruminous otitis with dry, blackish cerumen in a cat with otodectic mange

Figurę 3:6: Erythema and crusting on the medial pinna ofa cat with otodectic mange: skin scrapings demonstrated adult Otodectes in this region

Figurę 3:7: Alopecia, erythema and erosions on the neck ofa cat with otodectic body mange

Figurę 3:8: Dorsolumbar alopecia and erosions in a cat with otodectic bodymange



Guaguere, E., Hubert, B. & Delabre, C. Vet. Dermatol. 3,1-12 (1992).


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