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RED “But if only you had been with us on Sunday, when we saw a red vineyard, all red like red winę. In the distance it turned to yellow, and then a green sky with the sun, the earth after the rain violet, sparkling yellow here and there where it caught the reflection of the setting sun.

Yincent van Gogh, letters to his brother Theo

) ED IS A CURIOUS COLOR with both cool and warm aspects, a masculine and feminine side, ,attracting the passions of both war and love. Its masculine warrior energy thrives on conąuest and control, willpower and strength, seduction and irresistible lust. Its małe extrovert ąualities belong to the bright red shades which are dazzling and fiery, asserting endurance and physical strength, stimulating physical activity and vital energy. Such ambitious tones bring about action, all that is bold and brave, creating an environment that generates both activity and vitality.

While all shades of red stimulate the heart, flame passions and create excitement, its feminine side belongs to the deep, dark shades of crimson, scarlet, magenta and burgundy. These colors are secretive and nocturnal and hołd within them the feminine mystery of life. They create an atmosphere of warmth and subtle excitement, the rich sensuality of seduction, the deep romantic red roses of passionate love with their luxurious hidden desires. Here ‘the fires that burn within arouse and ąuicken magnetic attraction, evoke feelings of willingness to love

even under difficult conditions. The color red gives its best in relationships, helps to overcome resentments and anger, recognizes and fulfils one’s heart’s desires.



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