ape 076

ape 076



The heart being a muscular organ may be strcngthened by eertain exercises.

It may be weak in its action but otherwise normal. Gymnastics are indicatcd in this case.

If the extrcmities are habitually cold, strengthen the action of the heart and increase the lung capacity by ex-ercise.

The exerciscs given for widcning and decpening the chest are hclpful in treating the heart.

If the occupation, position, or dress cramps the chest it will affect the action of the heart.

Before attempting to strengthen the action of the heart, remove any causc of interfcrence with its working.

The breathing exercises will help the heart.

See work for the legs, thorax, and lungs.

To strengthen the action of the heart, and to normalize the circulation, practice quick leg work, as in running, hopping, etc.



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