


A porlion of the J.A.P. Works is givcn ovcr to holding a largo stock of replacement engine parts. and a luli supply of spares for every type of J.A.P. engine is carriod. Our aim is to get the required part off to a customcr willi the minimum of delay, and attention to the tollowing points will help us considcrably, and ensure speedy service :—

1.    The engine number. wilh all symbolsand or letters. should aiways be quoted, and fuli particulars of the engine should be givcn.

2.    If possible, pattern parts should l>e sent. cspccially in the case of old type engines. Instructions concerning such jiarts. hofreeer. should be enclosed willi them. and not be sent separately. The name and address of Sender should also Ĺ‚>e aflixcd to the patterns. and one name only should be used in all corrcspondence.

3.    We must, according to generaĹ‚ Business methods. be in possession of remittance Ĺ‚iefore we can despatch any. parts. Time thercforc will l>e saved if the correct amount and postage is sent with order. Failing this a Pro Forma Imoice will be sent, and the order dclayed until the remittance is reccived.

4.    Oustomcrs claiming replacement of parts under our Guarantec must return the alleged defective parts. carriage paid. for our inspccĹ‚ion. quoting at the same linie the engine number and the datÄ™ of purchase. A report will be sent out at oncc giving our dccision.

To meet the competition in “ Pirated Parts ” which are not of our manufacture, we have decided to supply certain spare parts, when desired, in a cheapcr grade materiaĹ‚ at a reduced price. These parts however, do not carry our customary guarantee and we strongly recommend customers to insist on genuine J.A.P. Standard Spares. These parts will be marked J. A.P. No.2.


We havc a vcry large Rcpair Department at our Works, occupying a considerable floor arca, and equippcd with all possible tools for undertaking the most cxtensive repairs. Here

Parts used on the 8.45 h.p. O.H. Twin Engine—contd.

Part Ko.    Namof Phrt.    l»rio« ÂŁ *. .1.

Forkcd Rod Bush, 2'x 11 32' (Steel I.iner)

CentrÄ™ Rod Bush. 2' < 39 64' (Steel I.lner>

Big F.nd Roller. f\X $'


7401 5620





7404 4203 7009


4102 7023 3249 7209 4606 6031 3582 6900

Dlstance Washer (Thick)

„    (Th in)

Gcar Slde Flywheel Pulley Slde Flywheel Crankpin, R.B.

Pulley Spindlc, R.B.

Gear Spindle, R.B.

Pulley Spindle Key (Flywheel)

.. .i .. (Pulley)

Gear    (Pinlon)

Crankpin and Pulley Spindle Nut Pulley Spindle Nut (Pulley)

Gear    ""—



Thrust Washer. 1/32' (Pulley Slde)


Gear Slde Crankcase, with Roller Bearing, Gani

Plns, 8 Gear Covcr Studs 7406 Pulley Slde Crankcase. with Roller Bearin RMS 8 Gear Side Roller Bearing (Hoffmann) RMS 10 Pulley Side Roller Bearing (Hoffmann)


7410 7087

7394 6778 7517



7408 7648

7647 7012 3958 5788


7412 7371



7476 4472

7413 6293 3574

Tappet Guide (Rear) rA Fxl.l l«'

.,    (Front) 1'A/Fx2.3/I«'

Tappet (Hollow) Front (Stern and Body) ..    .. Rear, 5/16' > **"


„    Barrcl

Push Rod. 7,16' dia., 9' long, completc ,,    Knd Piece (Top)    (Cup

„    ,,    â€ž    â€ž (Bottom)

Cam Wheel Bush

Oil Box Plpc

......Nut, |'x 26 Whit.

Drain PĹ‚ug 11 /16' 26 Whit. (OH Bo: „    ., J' x 26 Whit. (Base)

Gear Box Stud i ’ (Top)

284 Nut. I'

I 5 0


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