



A portion o! th© Ort ©f B.S.A. Motor Cyclo© uaod by eh© Polic© ©I Now South Walłł. Australia.

■uc<©osJu] A.C.U. Obi Motor CycU© thiough

B.S.A. 1,000 c.c. Vee-Twin Model G14

O QQ Specdomotor AQ machin©© Bttcd with speodomotor "    Extra.    unie©© otherwia© ordorod.

Th© torgod »t©«l backbon© In lh© barn© ©i thU big twin U • podali y dosign+d to rooUl ail atrouoi impoaed by •xc«ptionally hoaey ©idocar work.

It i© only necessary to und© tbr©© nuU and a bolt to ronoov© «Hh#f oJ th©*© d©tachabU and łnlorchangoabto whoalt.

Engino. Twin cylinder SV 80 mm bor© * 96 mm atioko. 966 cc; ©ncioeed >łde vgłv©s; iub?;cation by double mechamco! pump 1o Iron? cylinder and double rollor bigendo; oSl-tank und©? nsddl© <4 pinu); roller bearing aainthcrit. detachable hoods. Amal ca?* burottor. magdyno ahteld.

Transmlssion. Er.gir.c-ahalt cush drlvo Front chat? i In x 30$ In. 3ubr;catod by od woli In chaincare. rea? chain | In. x | in. with lower run guard; sev©n piat© clutch; B.S.A four tpeed g©arbox with goar l©v©r on tank: ©crow odjustment lor front chaln. g©a? ratioi 4 6. 60. 95. 137 aolo. and 46. 63. 99. 14 3 s:d©car.


Framo. Dupv©x crodle with lorged atoel backfcon© and tntogral fldecar logi; front lock shock absorber with lingo? odjustmont. ireering damper; 33 galion tank.

B.S.A. 600 C.C. S.V. Model M21

O CC 1 flc spoodomotor AU machino©Sttcdwith ©jm AsW*    Extra.    unieś© ©therwin© ©id<

Horo la lh© dotachobl© whoel filted aa standard to tho B.S.A. M roodola ahow-ing tho throe Sxing boi U and wb«©l apłndlo nut with dictanc© pioco aupec-Impoeed*

łtarold Toter at apood ai Beookland* on tho B.S.A. 600 Combination durlng eno of tho tołU of tho 2.S0O milea-round-tho* coait A.C.U. Obsojyod Test

Tho choico botwcen tho B.S.A. S00 c.c. sido valvo model and lho S00 c.c. modo! M.21 illustroled abovo is a comparalivoly *implo ono. for lho two modols oro idontical oxcop! for tho longlh ol tho stroko, and largor tyros on tho 600 c.c. modol. Tho longor stroko provtdoii on oxtra morfin oi powor so advanlagcou& for rogular uso with a touring stdocar or for commcrcial carrior work. wbito tho largor lyros, of cour&o, provido additional comfort for sidocar work.

Engine. Stnglo cylinder S.V. 82 mm. boro x 112 inm ntoering domper; 3J galion tank; kne© gilp*. DunJop alroko. 591 c.c cylinder bojf©: fitled with woar-    Unlversc3 350 -19 tyron; X tn dla. x ){ Ir. wid© brak©.\

rodMing hner; B.S A dry sump lubricalion with S plnt    aprir.g-up roar stand; llltlng handlo on reesr guotd.

Oli tank under rcddle; oil inćicatcc in tank par.©!; guickly dotachablo roar whoeb bont ot and; adju*!ab:© enclosod aide valves: detachable cylinder heod: roli©? iootresis

bcorlngi on drlvo aide oi moinshoft; M\ crA roller Equlpment. BS.A flexlb1y mcuntcd HaniUbot with booringi on goar ilde; ailont Iłnnng gea-; Amol    apccio: controlru twiat grli> throtllo. rotchet lever icc

car    . 4(    ^n[n Iront broko; cdjułtoblo Terry raddto; metal tcotbox

Traa.miMioD. Dmuw -^    .:vn. choin    wilłl co-p^ic tool ił* Inilotof; 9Mr.dfivcn Lucai 6-voit

• ,łu* ? ^ ,n' Wi*^ a bath, roa. cnain t in. x i in.    Mag dyno Ilóhting te: with cor.ponr.ated vat!ago c ?r.-

yr,*h.    U|SL,Sł,«S?    !roi- lc-'< irwuumoat ponoh or.:;.vlb:ol>on boilory: o!c-r

B«'/C    !«.    ,:lc voloncc« !o UoM ar.d r«ar muijuard; llccnco

B.S.A. .our-ipeed, onc.oied i co. goo. <tnongo. lvolde* c<ovlnlon lor Dtlllon lo^treilrt .terów odiuitmont loc front choin: goar roiłaś: 4.8. 63

9.9. 14 3 solo; and 59. 7.8. 12.2. 37.6 aldocor. Sldeca:    FinUh. Black ar.d ckroaton; chroniium tank with

gocfffl fsttcd unless.Otherwiee ordered    mott silver paneli; chromiua whee3 rims with błock

Framo. Trlangulated crodle typ© with integrol aldocar centres Whoelbase 54 in : <1 in : coddle lugs; front forSc ohock absorber with Iłnger adiualment- hoight 233 in

B.S.A. 500 c.c. O.H.V. Silver Star

Model M 23

Speodomotoi Atl machin©© fitted with «p«©dom©t©r **'XJm    Extio.    unloa© othoiwia© oederod.    _

An “©Kplodeay*©w ot tb© ail©nt tlwung gtaT ua©d on B.S.A. B and M n>od©U showing tho at«©l outrlgger piąto which ©muro© contSanl rigid alignmont.

A magnificent mount for tho .nporting ridor—that sums up tho B.S.A. 500 c.c. OJf.V. S:lvor Star. whtch ha* achiovod a vory high roputalion among »ports onlhu»ia*ts. It han a mantorly porform-

anco. thriUing acccloration, unusual Uoxibility for a machino of thin typo, and a dogroo of ntability which inspiros comploto conlidenco at all apoeds and under aU conditionn. With a sport* sidecar tho B.S.A. Silvor Star mąko* a dolighlful combination.

Engine. Singlo cylinder a Ingi© porl O H V 6*2 mm borę x 94 mm atroke, 496 cc; ipectally cylindor; B$ A dry *ump with 5 plnt oil tank under toddlo Osi indicotor in tar.k panel, enclc^ed OHV gear; pfeMure oj! foed. roller bear»rvgs on both drire olde and gear nid© o! maln* ahalt; nllont timing gear. * po ciał tappot cc*nif:ucllon. ('.rcllitating odjuatmoat Amol carburottor.

Tranamltaion. Engine aholt cuih drivey bont chaln i tn. x 305 in.. wjth chain oilbath; rcar chain | in. x 3 m. with lower run guard, iive piąte clutch enbodying fabrlc ir.setta. on double row bali boaring centre, 9 S A lour*speed gea?box. ©ncJoacd foot goar chango. :.*row odjustmont lor front choin, goar iatio» 4.8, (3. 9 9. 34.3 aoSo; and $6. 7 3. 13^. 166 aldocar. Coae-roUo gearbox opeional

Framo. Trlar.gulated crodlo type with Integra: sldecar higa. front fork nhocc abcorbor wi!h hngo? odjustmont atoorkng damper; 33 galion lonk knee grlpi; INinlop UnWoraal tyrca, 303—20 front. 3 50—1!> roar. 7 in dla x 3| irv wid© brak©©: aprtng*up roar stand, htting handle on roar guard; ąuickly dotachablo roerr wh«©1; Iror.t stand, od.uatable fooCrtst*.

Cąuipcoent B.S.A ftoxibly rr.ounted hand>b<ir with apedal Controls; twut grip throttlc. ratch©t lovor 5oc front brake. od]ua!ał>le Tony saddlo; metal toolbox with compCoto tool ktt; inflator; gear-drivon Lucas 6-vo!t Mogdyno bghttr.g ae: with comper.satod roltgao contro3; tar.k Instrumont panel; anU-Yibratlon batlery; clec-trlc horn. ralancea to front and rear mudguardt. llconce holdor. pcovlilon for piltion fooar©sti Finiah. Black and chrom lun. cłuomluir. tank w;t .*» mott słlrer panel-, chrcmiuo whoel rlmt with mott allver contr©s Wheelbotte 54 in: clooionce 4| in; •oddle betgh? 2$j tn

Model B 29

P    1 fi C Sp©©domotor All machino© fitted with ©poedomotor

Exba.    unlos© othorwis© e:d©rod.

Th© dupl©x haUpin valv© spring©, which ar© totally ©aclo«©d. contribut© in no ©mail dogi o© to th© romarkabl© powor output oJ ihU now modoL

B.S.A. 350 c.c. O.H.V. Silver Sports

Rigidity of ongino ai»ombly. couplcd with now dcr.ign of ovcrhcad valvo gcar ombodying totally onclo»od duplox hairpin valvo r.pring©. givon thU now B.S.A. a porformanco which b; unsurpcuutod in its elana. It U a modol about which any oxpcrioncod motor cyclist will bo roally onthuniaatic. and its power output throughout tho ontiro spood rango is such that it combinos a romarkablo

dogroo of floxibility with a roally thrilling maximum spoed.

Engino. Singlo cylinder O.H V. 71 mm. hcxo x 88 mm atroko. 348 c.c; B5.A. dry aump lubricalion with S-plnt oil tank under soid!e. high eSfictency cylinder heod. wilh hair pin valve speingo; enclc**ed O H V. gear with pccRsure oil feod bom engino. rollor beahngs on both •ideo oJ mainshalt. nlent timing gear; ©pccial tappot constructlort, facilltating odjustmont; Amal carburotter

Tranamiision. EngLn© aholt cuch drivo; Iron! cbatn 3 in x .335 In. with oU bath; roar chaln ) In. x i tn; lour pfate cock clutch on doubt© row bali bearing contrę. B.S A four*spoed g©arbox; onclooed loot goar chana©, nerow odjustmont lor front chain; gear ratlos 6.6. 7.3. ILI. 359

Framo. Triangulated framo o! great strongth. tront fork

ol 533 tubtng, shock ab.-,ocl>©r with Itngor adiuatmont. steertng damper; 3-gallon tank; kneo gnp*; Dunlop Unlver»a3 325—19 tyres; 7 tn dla. brako Iront and roar with Angor odjustmont speing-up rear atard; bont ©tand. odjusiablo footroutr

Eguipmont Twist grip throttlo. adjustabl© Torry saddlo. motał toolbox with complete tool kit. tr.Hator; goar-drWen Lucas 6-roIt Maadyno liahting ©et with com« pon&ated yoltaae contro^ hardleoar hoodknnp dipper conUol anti-YlbraUon battory. electric homj llconce ho!der. poovlolon loc ptltlon footrosto.

FinislŁ Black and chrcmium; chromlum tank with mott silrer paneh; mott słlror whoel a with błock lines

NVheelbcae 52in.: deoranc© 5| In; taddl© helght 283 ^

Th© powor dtrtlopod by lhi» now BS.A. ©ngin© dem-ands a rigid four*b©aiicg Cywhoot oMombly—and hor© li U.

jr-v- ; s    - i

B.S.A. 500 c.c. S.V. Model M20

Q    1 n C Sp©©dem©tor AU machlnos fittod with ©peodomotor

i* U O-    Extia.    untos© otberwia© ©rderod.

Th© tocrol ©I lh© c©ol and ©Ukłoni run* ning ©I th© big alngto ©id© valv© mod©la U th© thorouoh air spaclng botw©on th© to.t© port© and tk© cylindor bairo). which this unu©ual rt©w lUustaU© ©o w©3L

For tho ridor who wants a powoHul yet vory 13oxiblc mount this 500 c.c. model ha* a numbor of dolightful charactorbticfl. From 10 m.p.h. to it* maximum spood in top without tho nlightcnt fuwi, ftuporb road-holding undor all condition:t. wondorfully quiot and ofiortlorui running. and an oaso of maintonanco that make* littlo demand upon tho ownor^s timo and pockot aro all combinod in

thi* faBcinating modoL

Engino. Singl© cylinder S.V. 82 mm. bor© x 91 mm •trok©. 496 c.c: cy3lnd©r barro! Attod with wrar-re.listing 1 mer; B.S A dry sump lubricalion with 5 plnt oil tank under ©oddle. oil md^cator in tank panel enclosed *id© valv©i; detachable cylinder beod. roller bearings on drlv© ttd© o! malntbalt; bali and rolle: bearing© on goa? «iie. ailont timing gear. Arna! carburotter

Tranimiuion. Engine • sholt curh d?lvo. bont chaln 3 In x 305 In with oil bath; r©» chaln | te- x 3 m with lower run guard. fcv© pJa!© clutch embodying labrlc iniort©. on doub^ row boli bearing centre. B.S A ip©cd gearbox. eodofod loot gear cbange serów adiuotiner.t tor Iront chaln; goar rat.oa: 5.3, 7 0. 10.9, 158 salo; and 59. 7.8. 122. 176 sldeca?

Framo. Triar.gulated cradle type with integra! aideca? luga; bont fcck shock abiorber with Angor odjustmont.

!t©orirvg dam por. 3j galion tank. kn©o grrpj. Dunlop Univor»oJ 3 25-19 tyro.i. 7 In d;a x l| in włde braket »prinq*up roa? ttar.d. lilting bandlo on rea- guard. gułckly dotachablo roar whooL- bont stand, odiuatable tootreit©

Eąuipmont B S A ::©xibty mountod handlobar with specłal contro!©: twist grip throttlo, rotchet lev©r for bont 3>rake: adjustabl© Torry raddl©; motał toolbox with comploto tool kit; inflator. geaT*drivon Lucai 6*volt Mogdyno lighting aot with corr.ponsated Yoltog© contro!, tank Instrument panel anti-Yibration battery. electric bom; vala?Kxa to Iront and rea? mudguard:. Ucence holdor; prov.t.on lor pillion footreeti Finiah. Black and chromlum. chromlum tank with matt ©iIyo? panols; chromlum wheol nms with black centre© Wheelbase 54 In; clearanco 4| tn; saddlo

hołght 28j «n

Tb© lamou© B S.A. po»liY© - stop loot gcar chang© mechanUm U woli iUus-tratod in this photogiapb with th© ©od cov©r romoYod.


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